Chapter 36

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Tyler's POV

It took a couple of months to put the faction system back together after the attack. Dauntless went to many Abnegation funerals. I will never be able to comprehend how they are so forgiving. They welcomed the Dauntless into their faction for the funerals. Many were pallbearers for funerals.

Trials were held in Candor. Max, Jeanine and everyone else involved with the attack were sentenced to either prison or death. Yes, even my dad was tried. It was really sad to see him in a gray jumpsuit that prisoners being held are forced to wear. It nearly destroyed his pride. I could hardly bear to see him like that, being treated as a common criminal. Four and Tris—who I find myself still calling mom and dad quite often—were there with me through it. Four, especially, stuck right with me. I mean, he was my dad for 16 years. In many ways, he still will continue to be. He sat next to me during the trials and helped calm my nerves. At least dad was cleared of charges. He is now the head leader of Dauntless.

We are even working with the factionless. We have been attempting to make them their own faction, so they can be self-sufficient. This means they would be able to get better jobs than just driving the bus. They could also join another faction and go through initiations. Since cuts no longer exist in factions, they don't have to worry about being kicked out. Most factionless have chosen to stay with the other factionless. They function like a faction. Actually, it's more than that. They function like a family.

We worked with the factionless today. We protect Abnegation that are helping the them. Some of the factionless rebelled when we tried to integrate them, so we are taking precautions. Today was strange. While we were in the factionless ection, a woman approached me. She had blonde hair, green eyes and fair skin. She was about the same age as dad. She was wearing gray Abnegation pants, a blue Erudite shirt and a black beat up Dauntless jacket. The jacket was way too big for her. It could've honestly fit my dad, and this lady wasn't very big. However, the jacket seemed special to her. I don't know how I knew this, but I did.

She walked up to me and just looked at me. It was awkward to be honest. She seemed familiar, but I don't know why. She approached me and got a little too close for comfort. Eventually, my dad came around the corner and saw her. He looked at her in pure shock. She saw him, and her face relaxed. She smiled. Her eyes moved from him to me and back to him. He smiled. I was very confused. Who was this woman?

She pulled me closer to her. She put her head next the my ear and gently moved my hair away. She turned me so that I was facing my dad, and pointed to him.

"He loves you... more than you'll ever know."

This is all she said before she walked away. Dad walked over beside me, and we both watched as she walked away. I asked him who she was. He told me he would explain later.

Turns out that Matt's name was Matthew Eaton. He had been adopted by Trey, the older of Four and Tris's twin sons, soon after he transferred from Dauntless to Abnegation.

After everything was reestablished, initiates chose jobs. Miles is a Dauntless representative. He said he wanted to be like his mom. She didn't want to lead Amity, but she did want to represent her faction and her family.

I now am a leader of Dauntless, right beside my dad. I became second in command. I work with dad everyday. I actually really love it. I also live in the apartment right across from his, so we spend a lot of time together. We always say we're making up for lost time.

Miles and I are a thing now. Dad pretended to hate it when we first told him, but I can tell he was faking it. He actually really loves Miles. Although, he did tell him that if he ever hurt me he would personally rip out his windpipe. Miles told him he expected nothing less.

Everything in my life is nearly perfect. I couldn't ask for anything better. And to think, this started because I was some kid who was too curious. Because I was the kid who got into trouble. Because I was the kid brave enough to follow the blue-eyed man.

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