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“You called me Uncle Joey?” |Y/n| asked sweetly as she gave her uncle a sweet,yet sickening smirk,he scoffed and gestured for her to sit down.

She sat down and leaned back in her chair “What did I tell you..” “Excuse me?” Joey looked up and glared dagger's at his niece,she stared at him with a raised brow “What did I tell YOU about MY business!?” She flinched but glared at him.

“Oh,so letting go of one of the best worker's in voice acting here is ‘BUSINESS!?’” She yelled back and slammed her hand's on the desk. He growled and glared at her “ALL I'VE EVER DONE IS LOOK OUT FOR YOU SINCE YOUR STUPID FATHER DIED!!” Oh,that struck a nerve!

“AND WHAT,YOUR IN LOVE WITH A FUCKING INK DEMON!?! TCH,YOUR FUCKING PATHETIC!!” He continued as she stared at him with wide |E\c| eye's starting to fill with tears,he took a syringe filled with a strange glowing substance out of the desk draw and got up.

“HOW WOULD YOU  FEEL IF I KILLED SOMEONE YOU LOVE,HUH!?!” He questioned with crazy black eye's “I’ll put that little shit to rest..!” He said as she jumped up and tackled him.

“I WON'T LET YOU HURT HIM NOR THE OTHER'S!!” She yelled,she was pretty sure that all the worker's could hear them,she just hoped Sammy stayed out of it including Alice,Boris and importantly Bendy.

He'll lose his shit!

AaAGh!!!!” She yelled in pain looking down to her side,the syringe had entered her side and all of the strange liquid had entered her body,Joey was frozen,she pulled it out and groaned in pain falling to the floor.

A loud noise rang in her ears as her eye's looked up to see Sammy,Alice,Boris and...Bendy....“Ben....dy..” She said almost like a whisper,reaching her hand out with much effort,it fell on the floor and she tried to yell again.


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You tried to open your eye's but they felt like sake's full meat were holding them closed tightly. You tried again this time successfully opening both your eye's,your |E\c| orb's wandered around the unfamiliar room.

Where are you? Definitely not the hospital,at home? Impossible,why would your uncle bring you here after your loud and insane fight “Just so ya know kid,It’s me Sammy,” You jolted up and looked at Sammy who took a puff from his cigar then smiled at you.

Your house,I'm guessing?” You said groaning as he only simply nodded,he stood up and handed you a glass of water and a pill I'm going to call the other's.” You simply nodded and took the pill.

“OH MY GOD |Y\N| ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?” The little devil himself yelled and quickly hopped onto the bed tackling you in a hug,she smiled softly “yeah,I'm okay bendy” Bendy smiled back but continued to hug you.

“Thank goodness your okay!” Boris said smiling and taking a deep sigh of relief “course she is,I taught her well!” Alice said nudging Boris as he chuckled Yeah,you told her to never die technically..”  Sammy mumbled with a smirk.

“S–SO!? At least it teaches her somethin!”

“Yeah,not to die.”

Sammy and Alice continued to argue while Boris,Bendy and you watched from the sidelines,Boris eye's suddenly widened slightly and he fake coughed,Sammy looked at him with a raised brow he shift his eye's to you then back to Boris.

Boris mouthed 'He's gonna explain,we gotta go',Sammy nodded and told |Y/n| he'll be downstairs,Alice joined same with Boris.

| Good luck Bendy,your gon' need it.. |
• | E N D | •

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