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Today was the day.The day I would find out when the tour was starting.It was a wourld tour.A 158 date tour.I didnt want it to come.I couldnt sleep the night before.Mainly beacuase the twins couldnt sleep.They was 6 weeks old now.I loved them so much.It was unbeliveable.I was tired but I didnt cear.We was a happy little family.

Niall hadd to go away I knew this but I hated it.Apart of me wished he had a normal job but than the other part of me dont.Niall loved his job.I knew he did.It was around 12pm.Niall had a skype call with all the boys and there manager, Paul.

I hid in the kitchen as I didnt know if the other guys girls will be with them or not.Niall had Katy.I had Antony.When the skype call came,Niall just turned and smiled at me before clicking eccept.Pauls face was the first to come up.Then Liam and Morris.Then Louis and Ruby.Then  Zayn and Perrie.Lastly Harry,Hannah and Maisie.Maisie was beautiful.

"Niall wheres Emma?"Morris asked.

"Shes hiding in the kitchen"Niall laughed.

"Shes what?"Paul asked.

"Im here"I said walking in and sitting next to Niall.We had a bit of genral chit chat before Paul broke the chit chat. 

"Right guys shut up"He said smiling.

"Dont get your nickers in a twist"Zayn joked. We all started laughing.

"    Right the tour kicked off in Ireland"You could see everyone looked at me and Niall as we started smiling.

"The first date is the 23rd of Octotober so next week we start the rehearsles and we will leave on the 21th.Then on the 13th of december you will have a 2 week break for christmas."Paul told us.I got up and walked out. I started crying.I dont know weather it was that they was going so soon or the fact  they was going on the 21st of october.The 21st was my brothers birthday.My brother,Antony died when I was only 12.Antony (the baby) was named after my brother.I suppose I better tell you my story about my brother as it shaped me alot.

My brother Antony, was a massive motorbike person loved them.Around christmas time he had a motorbike accident.He broke his back.At the hospitle they gave him a scan and found he had a deformed kidney.After many test etc they found out it was Ewings suscomor tumor cancer.It was not termanol but after many rounds of kemo and radio theropy he was told he has 6 months left to live.8 days later he died.

It effected me a lot.Niall knew about it, I had learned to deal with it.But for some reason it just really effected me.I was sat in the babys room,Antony was in his cot.Niall came in and put Katy down.He just wrapped his arms around me.I stood up.Niall hugged me and I cryed into his shoulder.

"Babe you okay?Whats up?"Niall said hugging me.

"21st is Ant my brothers birthday"I told him though my birthday.

"oh babe i thought it was come here"Niall said just hugging me tight.

English girl (squeal to my irishboy)Where stories live. Discover now