Chapter 3

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[Edited, again.]

Sakura bashing!

Timeskip 2 years later [Naruto is 12 now] (Everything is the same as in the anime, but here Naruto only pretends to be kinda stupid]

Naruto's point of view

We were waiting for our sensei to come. I bet this time he was late just because he went to get the papers for the chuunin exams. I slid down a tree. Troublesome.

In a distance somewhere in Konoha a certain Nara sneezed.

"Sasuke-kun would you go on a date with me?"

She never learns, does she?

I shook my head to dismiss the thoughts. You bet, kit.
Oh Furball! Didn't hear from you in a while now! Wanna come out a bit? Sure, whatever.

Before I could summon him Sasuke answered the ever-same answer,"No."

And all too soon, I was being accused.
"Naruto-baka, you're always in the way! I can't be with Sasuke-kun because of you! I hate you, you're a nuisance! Bet your parent's left you because your such an idiot!"

Okay, that was over the edge now.
But before she could hit me a Kurama poofed into existence right besides me. That is, a very angry Kurama. She aimed at me because she didn't see Kurama yet. And that was a big mistake. He tends to be a little,,,
Anyway, big mistake, he caught her wrist and she was about to yell at him. But, guess what? When she saw him her eyes began to sparkle. "Oh oh, ummm, who are you? What are you doing here? I've never saw you around here... Maybe I could show you around and,,, we could go on a date?"

That must have pissed him of much more. [He looks like on the photo in the second chapter. The only exception is that he looks like that in 14 y/o body]. She really wants to die soon. Seriously though, I know that he is pretty good looking I guess but for all she knows he could be an enemy. He looked at her in disbelief but she took it the wrong way and thought that he was in awe of her 'beauty'.

"Are you fucking serious? I just came here out of nowhere and could be an enemy. And you just ask me out, not knowing anything about me? And if you ever touch Naruto again, I'll kill you. It's not his fault you got rejected from that bastard Uchiha. Understood?"

*cough* overprotective *cough *

She shut her mouth, clearly from embarrassment and anger, and stomped away.

Just then, Kakashi-sensei poofed out of nowhere. "Hello my cute li-oh hey what happened here?"
I didn't dare speak cause I know that I would stutter, so instead Sakura was about to speak (more like yell) but was cut off by a Kurama.

"This," he pointed at Sakura giving her a glare, she blushed at that, "bitch here, just insulted and was about to hit Naruto because that Uchiha rejected her." That was calm, way too calm. "And if she touches Naruto again, I won't guarantee her safety."
That's the Kurama i know and love.

"Now now, Naruto. You wouldn't kill your teammate, would you?" Kakashi-sensei asked in his usual calm demeanor. I just scoffed in response.

"Well anyways, would you like to join the chuunin exams this year?" Yes! We all nodded and we filled our papers immediately after that.

~Timeskip brought to you by a certain lazy author~

Narrator's point of view

After the second floor Genjutsu thing Kakashi poofed in front of them.
After the little spech he added, "Ahh, I almost forgot. Today, the prince of Uzushiogakure will be with us. Also, his real name will be revealed." Naruto sighed, he knew this was coming.

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