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few weeks later..

Soohye's pov
i have been feeling nauseous these days and i requested mom to let me see the doctor but she just won't let me. she just keeps coming up with all sorts of excuses so i won't need to see the doctor.

even during breakfast this morning , i didn't have any appetite at all and once i saw the food , i had the urge to vomit.

since mom doesn't want me to see the doctor , i'll just search up online about my symptoms.

typing out , 'why do i feel nauseous.' , the website gave me all sorts of symptoms which included , food poisoning , gastritis and so on.

but weird , i searched up the symptoms for food poisoning , and i only matched two out of the many symptoms. nausea and loss of appetite.

and it was the same for gastritis.

i decided to call my friend , Minnie since she studied about health in the past.

"yeoboseyo? Soohye-ah?" "oh unnie. you studied about health in the past right? may i ask why do i keep feeling nauseous and i realised i also have a loss in my appetite. even my mom cooks me my favourite dish , it just seems disgusting to me."

"uhh , that's not enough information for me though. but there is one thing that comes up to me. Soohye , when is your last period?" "hmm , let me check."

i looked at my calendar which was on my study table and realised i missed my period two weeks ago.

"unnie , my period is late. it should have came two weeks ago." "Soohye , do you only feel nauseous in the morning?"

"nae. afterwards i don't really feel nauseous." "i suggest you go get a pregnancy test kit Soohye. all your symptoms point to a possible sign of pregnancy."

"NAE?! UNNIE JJINJA? BUT I'M STILL A VIRGIN!" "i'm not that sure why but you should just check. or best , go see a doctor."

"my mom won't let me see one unnie." "mwo? aish , then you'll have to do the test to see if it is pregnancy."

"araseo unnie. gomawo." after i hung up , i laid on my bed and stared into the blank space.

how can i be pregnant? i dont remember sleeping with anyone? and i dont have a boyfriend before so how am i even pregnant? everything Minnie says doesn't link to my life.

so i decided to not buy the pregnancy test kit since it didn't make any sense for me to be pregnant.

feeling a little hungry and suddenly craving for sandwiches with chilli sauce and milk (i made that up) , i quickly got up from my lying position , only to feel a little dizzy.

i stumbled and fell backwards hitting the back of my head against my side table.

and everything turned black.

Euihoon's pov
i was walking down the corridor when i heard a loud 'thud' from Soohye's room. i don't know why but my instincts tell me that something isn't right.

i knocked on her door but no one came to open the door so i just opened the door to only see Soohye lying on the floor beside her bed.

"Soohye-ah!" i ran to her and held her in my arms. "EOMMA! APPA! SOOHYE FAINTED!" i screamed , worrying for my little sister.

"Soohye-ah , wake up. don't scare oppa like this." "wae?!" Taehoon came into the room and saw Soohye's state.

"SOOHYE!" "what happened?" my dad and my mom entered the room and their faces turned shocked.

"call the ambulance!" my mother screamed and Byeonghoon who came into the room said "i'll do it!"

a few minutes later..

Jaehye's pov
"is Miss Soohye's family members here?" the doctor asked. "me! i'm her mom." i said. "how's my daughter? is everything fine?"

"yes she's fine for now. but she hasn't been having any nutritional food when she's pregnant so i guess that might be one reason why she fainted. another reason is-"

"mwo? pregnant? uri Soohye is pregnant?" Byeonghoon asked. "you mean none of you know about this?" the doctor asked.

i gulped. me and Jihoon looked at each other nervously. "the three of you stay out of this. this is Soohye's private matter and only the both of us will handle it. sit there and wait." Jihoon said and they dragged their feet to the waiting seats to sit down.

"she is 8 weeks pregnant and another reason she might have fainted is might because she hit the back of her head hardly on an object causing her to lose consciousness." the doctor said.

"i'm suspecting she got a little dizzy and fell backwards hitting onto something hard which made her lose consciousness. pregnant ladies do feel dizziness at some point of time." the doctor said and me and Jihoon thanked him before he left.

we quickly rushed over to Soohye who was still unconscious. "appa , what did the doctor say? what Soohye is pregnant? i don't get it." Byeonghoon asked.

"stay out of it. the adults will handle this." Jihoon said. "appa! we're no longer kids! we're Soohye's older brothers! why can't we know anything that is happening to our little sister! she even fainted and you're not telling us anything?! are you going to make us worried forever?!" Byeonghoon said.

"Park Byeonghoon! he's your father not your younger brother! talk to him nicely!" i shouted. "enough Byeonghoon. this is the hospital." Euihoon said pulling Byeonghoon aside.

Byeonghoon angrily walked away and Taehoon went to chase after him.

"eomma , appa , can you guys tell me what happened to Soohye?" i sighed. "we should tell him. afterall he is he oldest one." i said to Jihoon and he nodded.

"Soohye is pregnant. and she fainted most probably because she was pregnant because most pregnant ladies do faint."

"mwo? pregnant? Soohye already has a boyfriend? since when?" Euihoon asked. "it's a mistake made by Taeho." Jihoon said.

"appa , you mean Kang Taeho? Uncle Daniel's son?" Euihoon's eyes were filled with anger. and i know i have to stop him.

"Euihoon , don't even think of going over to teach that lad a lesson. it won't help. Daniel has told us if Soohye has decided to abort the baby , he'll respect her decision." i said hoping he will simmer down.

because if he does beat Taeho up , that will mean he is actually beating his own half-brother up.


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