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I stared out at the freshly fallen snow, silent tears pouring down my face. I heard someone slide into the booth with me, so I looked up to blurred figure of a boy. I couldn't see him clearly because of my tears, but I knew who it was. Those curls could give him away any where. It was harry.

I haven't talked to him in three years. We couldn't make it work after the accident, and we left me a month later after he recovered. I didn't know what he was doing here, I thought he was still touring with One Direction. No, I knew he still was. Because I still lived with Summer, I still got to see Niall quite of ten when he would visit, or they would Skype. I've seen Zayn a few times over the years because of Alex, but other than those two, I haven't talked to any of the boys. What could Harry possibly want, he was the one that left me all those years ago.

"Harry." I said my voice trembling and barely above a whisper.

"What's wrong, Blair? Why are you sitting alone at Starbucks, crying your eyes out at 1130 on a Saturday night?"

"You don't need to worry about me any more Harry. We've both moved on with our lives." I said standing up from the table, only to be pulled back down into my booth.

"I don't care about then, I care about now. Listen to me, I'm not letting you walk out of here looking like a complete wreck, with me having no idea what's going on with you! How you're acting right now, isn't Norma,, and I'm going ti find out what's wrong, even if we have to sit here all night long, doyou hear me Blair?"

"Yes, Harry. I'll tell you, okay? But not here.."

"Come back to the hotel with me then. I'm sharing a room with niall, and he's going to be with Summer all night long anyway.

I nodded my head, and stood up grabbing my pink north face, scarf and Beanie and putting them on.

Harry led me to his car and we quickly arrived at the boys hotel.

"Talk." Harry said sitting me down at the counter in the small kitchen of their room.

"Okay, well.. about a month ago, I started working at this photography shop down, and the first project they had for me was a park in the bad side of town, and me being my stupid self, didn't think to bring any one with me. Which lead to me walking to the train station that night all alone. It was around 930, so it was dark besides a few street lamps, I couldn't really see where o I was going.. I bumoed into someone, and they didn't take it well.. they beat me, and then..uhm.." by this point my tears were over whelming me, and I couldn't speak. Harry had to calm me down be fore I could continue my story.

"Harry..he raped me..." my voice came out very soft, and teprembling. Presently, I couldn't even control my tears. They just came and went as they pleased.

"WHAT?! WHY wouldn't you tell me Blair!? Does anyone even know about this?!"

"Yes', harry of curse people know. Summer knows, I'm assuming Niall knows, and my whole family knows."

"I could've helped Blair... you should have told me.."

"Harry styles, don't you say that! You COULD have been there! You chose to leave me, remember?! I didn't tell you to leave, as I remember it, I told you to stay, I asked you to stay. You left. You're the one that didn't care." I said, running towards the door. I was never a fast runner, and harry beat me there and stopped me from making my escape.

"I did care. I cared so much you don't even know. I didn't even know why I cared, I couldnt remember why I had fallen in love with you! I for it memories Blair, not feelings. Al, the feelings from before the accident? Yeah, they're still here. They haven't left in any of the years I've been gone, and I don't know why. Do you now how frustrating it is to love someone and barely even know them?!" By this point my tears had subsided, but I had nothing to say. Harry was still in love with me, and even if he didn't know why, I still had the tiniest bit of hope for us.

"Yea, well you're not going to love me after I tell you what's really wrng with me." I said harshly. Not being mean to him, but to myself how could I be ao stupid?

"I doubt that, but go on, tell me."

"I'm pregnant harry.."

I stared at the open mouthed harry with watery eyes. His face matched the one on summer's when i told her this story earlier today.

END OF CHAPTER 10. :-) :-) :-) :-) what do you all think?!?!?


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