Author's Note

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          Okay, just as a heads up, this is my very first fanfic (*confetti rains and people blow the little party twizzlers*). It may not be the best and constructive criticism is appreciated. However, please don't start flaming me.

          I will try my best to keep the characters in character, but I will likely slip at times. Again, no hate or flames please.

          Also, requests are open! Preferably just Locklyle and the occasional Cubbones, though I will except a few odd balls no matter what they are. But no LGBTQA+. I can't bring myself to ship Flolly or Kippswood or Kippsbbins. So, yeah. Other then that, when requesting, please use this form:

Ship Name:
Ship Members:
Plot (preferably decently detailed):
Anything extra:

          Feel free to add to the form! Those are just the basics. Okay, now, on with the show!

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