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(Lucy's POV)
          "You know I can't do that! It's against an agent's code of conduct. And... no. Just no." I glared at the skull in the jar. It was smirking hideously at me.

          "You know you want to. I can see it, clear as day. If you want, I can get rid of the plump tomato for you. Then you two could be alone!"

          "Alone with a spectator. That's great. But no. He may not even feel the same way. I'm not going to risk it," I stated, crossing my arms.

          "Your loss. Only way to know how he feels is to take a leap of faith," he commented.

          I shook my head. "Maybe one day.... But not anytime soon. Now, I have to go downstairs. George should be back shortly to brief us on our next case."

          "Take me with you! I know you're going to do it! I want to see—"

          "And that's enough from you." I closed the lever on the jar and placed it on my nightstand before going downstairs.

          "Oh, hey, Luce. Sleep well?" Lockwood looked up from his gossip magazine in the library.

          "I guess." I walked into the kitchen and filled a bowel with cereal and milk. Grabbing a spoon, I joined Lockwood in the library and curled up on the couch, lifting the spoon to my lips.

          Turning a page, Lockwood asked, "Think it'll rain?"

          I looked out a window, watching the weather. The wind had picked up and some of the trees were bending practically in half. The sky was black and stormy looking. Just then, thunder clapped loudly, causing me to jump.

          "Looks like. I hope the power doesn't go out. I hate the dark." I shivered, picturing all the lights suddenly dying.

          Lockwood raised an eyebrow. "Really? I would've thought you loved the dark. You always seem to thrive in it when we're on a case." He turned a page.

          "Yeah, but I'm focused on dealing with something more dangerous than the dark. You know, a cannabilistic ghost who's set his eyes on me. But when I'm relaxed and at home, I don't know. It's just.... I get a weird feeling," I said, shoveling another mouthful of cereal.

          "Hmm. Well, it doesn't look like the power will go out. The weather isn't that bad out there." He'd never looked up from his magazine, so he didn't see the cat flying by the window, yowling.

          I looked at him, eyebrows raised. "If you say so...." I muttered.

          We sat in silence for awhile longer. I got up and went into the kitchen, rinsing out my bowel. Suddenly, there was a bright flash, lightning up the room. Then a loud boom. And then the lights went out.

          "Lockwood!" I squeaked. "Lockwood, I can't see anything!" I began stumbling around. It was pitch black in the house. There was a crash when I knocked into who knows what. "Ouch," I yelped, smashing my into a table leg. If I could just get to Lockwood, I'd be all right. He could help me navigate, assure me the dark wasn't as bad as it seemed. I just had to get there....

          There were footsteps. A hand grabbed my shoulder. I stumbled into Lockwood, pressing against his chest.

          "Are you okay, Luce? Are you hurt?" I could hear that his voice was filled with worry.

          I shook my head, then realized he couldn't see the action. "No, I'm not hurt. Just startled. I'm fine, really."

          His grip on my shoulder moved down until he fumbled around, catching my hand and lacing his fingers in mine. Suddenly, I was glad for the dark. This way he couldn't see the blush spreading over my features. Then he began tugging me forward. We stumbled around together, though I couldn't help but notice that he was more coordinated then myself. Where I tripped over anything and everything, he was practically floating over any obstacles.

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