part 2 - lauren

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The following week I walked slowly past Mary Hall on the way to and from class hoping I'd run into Lauren, even walking out of my way whenever I had time. I had her panties which I had found balled up under the edge of my bed and I carried them with me like I was the prince in a perverted version of Cinderella. Not once did I get a glimpse of her. I slept with the shirt I had worn that night. I hadn't washed it and I could still smell her on it.

After two weeks I had almost given up seeing her again. I was in my room catching up on homework when I heard a voice. "Hey." I looked up at those brilliant green eyes. Lauren was standing in my open door wearing a t-shirt and ripped jeans, a lock of jet black hair covering one eye. She flashed that crooked smile and asked, "Am I bothering you?"

"Nope," I said, quickly closing my Advanced Calculus textbook. She shut the door and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Is your roommate around?"

"No, he rarely sleeps here. He usually stays with friends who belong to the frat he's rushing so I basically get the room to myself."

"About that night," she began but stopped. She gave me a cold, hard stare. "You haven't told anyone about it, have you?" I swore I hadn't. "Good, keep it that way. You tell anyone and I'll hurt you."

"I swear, I won't say anything," I said meekly, withering under her gaze. She was starting to scare the absolute shit out of me.

"Okay, I believe you." She looked at me for a long moment then said, "Take off your clothes."


"Take off your clothes. I want to see you naked."

"Why?" I asked before I could stop myself.

Lauren stood up, tilted her head and looked curiously at me. "Are you a virgin?"

I swallowed and avoided her eyes. I finally shrugged and confessed, "I've never done those things before."

"What? Kiss a girl? Feel another person's tongue on your own? Touch a girl's ass?" I stared at the floor under the desk. I was too embarrassed to look her in the eyes. "Or was it something else?" she persisted.

"You know, like what you did to me," I bumbled.

"You mean when I put your erect cock in my mouth and sucked on it until you ejaculated your sperm down my throat. That's called a blowjob."

"Right. That." I swallowed nervously and went on. "And what I did to you."

"Ah, you mean cunnilingus, more commonly known as eating me out or licking my cunt."

"Yeah, licking your, you know, pussy."

Lauren shook her head. "You didn't lick my cat, you licked my cunt."


"Did you like licking my cunt?"


"Say it."

"I liked licking you."

"I want you to say the word." She waited, an amused expression on her face. She was thoroughly enjoying how uncomfortable I was. "Say, cunt."

"Cunt," I said quietly, flinching as I did so. All my life I had been taught that was the worst word one could ever say.

She laughed. "My God, you really are a virgin, in more ways than one." Her laughter shamed me and my ears burned. I felt so small. "Well, at least I know you're clean. Tell me, Camila, are you one of those types who save themselves for marriage? Did you swear a promise to your God you would remain pure and chaste until your wedding night?" she mocked.

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