part 3 - 1st client

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By the weekend I was a nervous wreck and could hardly keep any food down. The anxiety of meeting someone new and the pressure I felt to perform were wreaking havoc on my body. On Saturday evening Lauren found me curled up on my bed. She stroked my head and slowly coaxed me first to a sitting, then to a standing position until she had me walking out the door. We held hands all the way there, me gripping hers the way a drowning man grips a lifeline. At the steps to the house she pried her hand from mine, smiled and said, "Relax. You'll do great."

The party wasn't as crowded as I feared although it was relatively early. Lauren approached a conservatively dressed woman and introduced me to Ariana who was as tall as me. Her white blouse was buttoned all the way up to the top and her black knee-length skirt had nary a speck of lint on it. She was decently attractive in spite of the stern look on her face. We shook hands, which I found oddly formal for the circumstances. Lauren excused herself to go find a drink.

Ariana and I looked at each other for a moment before we both turned away. I could see the embarrassment etched on her face and I knew exactly how she felt. Lauren caught my eye from across the room and she made a shooing motion with her hand. I swallowed hard and said, "Well, this has to be the most awkward introduction I've ever had." Ariana smiled briefly and her face softened. I leaned forward and said softly, "Maybe we should find someplace quiet to talk."

Ariana nodded and led on, threading our way through the gathering crowd and up the staircase. The second floor was nearly deserted and we found a bathroom with a working lock on the door. Ariana leaned against the counter, her body rigid. I stood in front of her and a little off to the side. I held up my right hand for her to see then I slowly brought it down to her hip. She stiffened slightly at the touch but then relaxed.

"I'll stop any time you want -- Just tell me," I said quietly. She nodded as I caressed her hip through her knit skirt. As she relaxed my hand traveled down her leg and low across the front of her thigh. I stopped there, gathering her skirt in my fingers and slowly hiking it up until I touched skin.

I watched her closely. She was very still, with her eyes closed and her breaths shallow, looking fragile and delicate. My palm pressed against her skin and I thought I heard the slightest hitch in her breath. With a slow, deliberate movement I ran my hand around to her inner thigh and up. Her body rose with my hand until she was on her tip-toes and couldn't go any higher. She was biting her lip now and when my hand brushed over her panties there was a sharp intake of breath.

With one finger I lightly stroked her sex through the cotton material. I could feel her swell beneath my touch, the subtle ridges and valleys becoming more pronounced with each passing minute. Ariana lowered her body until her feet were flat on the floor, pressing her cunt into my hand. My touch grew bolder and her face grew flushed. A glow was starting to shine from within her, a luster that brought out her beauty.

She gripped the edge of the counter now, the muscles of her arms tight bands of pent up frustration. I used all the skills Lauren had taught me. My fingers danced, drawing a low moan from her. The swell of her clit was pronounced and I strummed it rapidly. She bit back another moan and took in two great hitches of breath before the dam burst. I watched as the orgasm rolled through her and in that moment she was the most beautiful creature I had seen. When she finally opened her eyes she smiled at me.

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