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We were all getting impatient with those three. They were supposed to be here an hour ago so that we could surprise Chloe but once again they failed to show. I didn't know I was glaring at the entrance until Mr Elroy; Chloe's dad placed his hand on my back.

"Relax son, they're just running late; after all they are girls and we know girls are never on time." He tried to console and I nodded but deep down I knew something was amiss. I tried to contact either of them but both of their phones were out of reach. That was weird since Emma never switched off her phone. I was getting pretty restless when an idea popped into my head.

"I'm going to get them," I said confidently as I walked towards the entrance but I was pulled back by a very strong arm.

"You can't leave or they will start suspecting you." A young man, maybe a newbie mattered in a low tone. I didn't want to accept but I knew it was true so I walked back with slumped shoulders and a lowered head. I almost gave up hope when new idea popped into my head. I took out my phone and dialled a number I knew would never be switched off.

"What? I'm off duty today." A voice growled from the other end. The anger made me chuckle since I instantly knew I had interrupted something.

"Speak Kyle or I'll end this call" the voice growled again bringing me back from my thoughts.

"I think something's wrong, triangulate the last place Chloe and Emma were then check on her." I ordered formerly, all jokes aside.

"Get Jared to do it, I'm busy at the moment." He tried to sound formal but I could still hear the irritation in his voice.

"Jared can't help; he is out of town at the moment." I replied and waited for a snarky comeback but all I heard next was a sigh and a small 'fine' before the line went dead. I stared at it before I finally decided to put the phone away and await the results of my genius idea.

Three hours later and I was almost tearing out my skin. I had gotten no reply from him and Chloe's parents had worried faces but were trying as hard as they could to put on smiles. The shrill sound of my ringtone blared out and I answered immediately.

"It was a set up, they were betrayed by one of their friends. She'll be there in ten minutes max, brace yourself, she looks horrible." He muttered before ending the call. I stared at it, unable to comprehend what he had said. As if something had snapped me out of my horrible thoughts, I looked at the time before rushing off to the entrance of the park. I knew it looked bad but I wanted to be the first person to see how bad it was.

After a few minutes, Chloe appeared running towards me, he blue dress had black patches and she looked like she would pass out any minute. I panicked.

"Chloe, What the hell happened, why are you guys so late, it's been five hours," I wanted to scold her not aware that her parents had seen her.

"Emma, where's Emma?" she cried out. She looked so scared

"I haven't seen her, what happened Chloe?" I tried to keep my voice low and neutral but from the look she gave me, I was failing miserably. I was seeing red, who would dare do this to her?

"Sapph, she set us up, Ilana attacked us but we got free, I lost Emma, we need to find her." She cried frantically and tried to move forward but stumbled and would have fallen but I was quick this time and I caught her. Her dress was wet around her right side of the stomach. I took out my hand to examine what caused the wetness and my face paled, blood; Chloe was bleeding and that is what I exclaimed and moved my hand to show her. Realization seemed to sink in and her body finally caved in making her collapse onto me.

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