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Liz smiled as she saw Jughead in student lounge of their school

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Liz smiled as she saw Jughead in student lounge of their school. She run behind him and put her hands around his neck, kissing his cheek.
Jughead laughed.
"Hey, Lizzie."
Liz sat next to him and smiled.
"I missed you, Juggy. How's the Southside High?"
Jughead nodded.
"It's... different. Yeah."
Liz sighed.
"I miss you around house and here. Archie... Well, let's just say he's going through something."
Betty smiled at the two.
"He'll come around, Lizzie. It's Archie."
Liz nodded and saw that the two were avoiding each others eyes.
"Are you two okay?"
Betty glanced at Jughead.
Liz sighed and nodded. She didn't want to bug them. They'll tell her when they're ready.
That night, Betty came to Liz crying. They sat at Liz's room.
"What happened, Betty?"
Betty brushed her face.
"I feel like Jughead is not him anymore. The school changed him. He is not my loving boyfriend anymore. He started hanging out with Tori, she's the Serpent."
Liz sighed.
"Look, Bets. I love Jughead. I know he is not the brightest when it comes to women but he comes around. As for that Tori. Serpents aren't bad. Just because they haven't had the raising we had doesn't mean they are bad people."
Betty sighed.
"I know. I'm just worried for him."
Liz nodded.
"How about this? I'll talk to him for you, try to knock some sense into him. Okay?"
Betty sniffed and pulled me into a hug.
"I love you, Lizzie."
"I love you too, Betty."
Next morning, Liz walked to Southside High. She walked into cafeteria and everyone was looking at her. She saw Jughead sitting with the Serpents.
Serpents and him turned to her. Jughead's eyes widened.
"Lizzie? What are you doing here?"
Liz smiled at her best friend.
"I came to talk, Juggy. Are you free?"
Jughead nods.
"Yeah, sure. Let's go."
Toni smiled up at the strawberry blonde girl.
"Hi. I'm Toni."
Liz smiled.
"I'm Liz."
Liz looked at the rest of Serpents when her eyes fell on tall, dark haired Serpent. Liz smiled at them and Jughead started introducing them.
"And this is Sweet Pea."
Tall guy smirked at Liz and she felt her heart beat faster.
"It was nice meeting you all."
Sweet Pea smirked.
"You too, Princess."
Jughead motion for Liz to leave and she waved to the Serpents.
Jughead chuckled as they walked out of school.
"What was that?"
Liz looked at him confused.
"What was what?"
Jughead smirked.
"I saw how you looked at Sweet Pea. You like him."
Liz giggled.
"Maybe just a tiny bit."
They sat at Pop's talking about Betty.
"Just talk to her. She loves you, Juggy. You can't keep her in dark. She is worried about you. She came crying to me last night. Just, don't lose her."
Jughead nodded.
"Thanks for telling me this, Lizzie. I needed to hear this."
He walked Liz home and she hugged him.
"Now go to Betty. We'll talk tomorrow."
Jughead nodded and they went their separate ways.

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