grumpy//sweet pea.

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"Awh, baby Fang's found someone he likes?" Sweet Pea laughs.

Fang's has been hanging around with Kevin a lot more lately. Loving his company and how he is a northsider who doesn't judge him for being a serpent.

"Shut it, Pea." Fang's rolls his eyes.

"You look like a lost puppy without the Keller kid." Pea laughs. "Like a baby missing his bottle."

"Pea." Fang's growls.

You and Toni walk into the cafeteria, heading to your usual table with your lunch. You kiss your boyfriend and sit next to him.

"Hey guys. What's up?" Toni asks.

"Pea is being an ass." Fang's mutters.

"Why?" You ask, nudging Pea.

"Fang's here likes the sherrifs kid." Pea smirks.

"So?" Toni shrugs. "He seems nice."

"A serpent and the sheriffs kid?" Pea laughs louder.

"So? I'm a northsider dating a serpent?" You hit Pea's shoulder.

"That's different. He sits around looking like a lost puppy all day." Pea smirks, watching Fang's glare at him.

"You use to follow me around like a lost puppy before we stared dating. Sending me tones of texts a day, waiting for me outside my classroom, showing up wherever I was. A total stalker." You smirk. Pea's laugh fades away and he blushes. "But you're cute so I'll allow it." You smile and grab his hand.

"Well you're my baby girl, so I'm not letting you out my sight." Pea proudly says and kisses you.

"WHIPPED!" Fang's laughs.

Pea glares at him and pulls you closer to him.

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