Chapter 3

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I walk out of the woods, shuddering. I can’t help but feel myself start to go a bit crazier every time I relive the horror that I went through while working for Maria. I was so brutal, so uncaring, and so COLD; cold like a “real” vampire, the ones in the movies. The kind that is always so distant and untouchable that they lose themselves to the “beast” inside.

But anyone can give up; it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone would completely understand if you fell apart, that is true strength. I always try to remind myself this if I ever just want to curl up into a ball and… well, bawl.

I try to stop thinking about it but I can’t because my stupid mind never cuts off, I never get a break.

I try to focus on how it feels to run with the wind whipping against my face. It’s not that I overheat or anything, I just love the feeling. My hair flies and gets more and more screwed up but I don’t care anymore. I get so focused on the wind that I almost forget to meet Jasper at the park, almost but not quite.

I skid to a stop right in front of Jasper. He takes my hand and he leads me to a park bench about 2 yards from where we were standing.

He sits down first, which is extremely unusual, and then he pulls me down into his lap. I gasp in surprise and then I look at him. Being an Empath he knew that I wasn’t scared of him but he stops and checks on me anyway. It’s just proof of how much he loves me.

He runs his hand through my neon blue hair, fixing it and mending it back to its original form.

I giggle as I think about what Emmett had said about “getting frisky.”

Jasper looks at me with a question clear on his face. I try my best to give him the look of an “innocent” puppy. Ha, like he would fall for that.

How to Love ~A Jasper Whitlock Love Story~ (Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now