Chapter 2

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I knew where I was going. I needed to see dr death defying.

 Before the bomb, he and my dad were good friends, and he was like a grandfather to me. I knew he could help me. Especially since I had information about BL/ind.

I turned on my radio which I had brought along and went around in a circle 'til I could find a place where it had the least static, and walked in that direction.

At first the warmth of the sun felt good on my skin after exiting the frigid tunnel, but now it started to burn. I turned off my radio so I could but it back in my back pack, and kept walking on the path ahead.

Upon walking for what seemed like hours, I saw the ruins of a neighborhood ahead. "Thank god." I said to myself and I walked a little faster than normal.

There was probably no one in here, but there could be resources. I entered one of the least-demolished houses to see I was not the first. Chairs were tuned over, shattered glass was on the floor, and everything looked like it had been searched through. That didn't stop me from looking for anything useful though.

Every thing looked broken. I searched through the kitchen, living room, master bedroom, and now the other bedroom. I creaked the door open and see a horrific sight. A little girl's bedroom that had been ransacked.

There were broken toys, dolls with their heads torn off, and drawings ripped to shreds. I kept walking until I saw a door to a bathroom door that was slightly ajar.

It creaked open and revealed a vanity with a beautiful neckless hanging on a rack.  The pendant was a jewel the size of a quarter, and little appleseed sized clear jewels lined it. The larger jewel was beautiful. It sparkled different blues and whites and reminded me of looking into the eyes of a sad old man, but still with hope for this world. 

I knew that it was stealing, but the owner was probably long dead. I carefully took the neck less off the rack and tied it around my neck. "Why are you stealing my sisters jewelry?" A voice asked and I nearly had heart attack.

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