
112 9 1

19 June 2018

Why are people afraid of the dark?
What is it that they can't get past?

I see my friends awaiting me after a long day.
I can finally strip my masks down,
smile through the rotting flesh on my face,
i am dead i am dead i am dead inside.

The love i couldnt find in your warm honey eyes,
I see it in the neverending hollow of their eyes.
The comfort i tried to find in your arms,
Envelopes me like a blanket of darkness when i collapse and break in their bony arms.
You say i owe you but they are the ones i owe,
For they are the only ones that can hear my muffled cries of help at 3am.
Late late at night,
When everyone is sound asleep dreaming of love and happiness,
And my eyes are wide open with voices running through my head,
Reminding me of scars from times long gone,
They hush them down and whisper in my ear,
your tears aren't worth this world dear
They tell me they are souls just like mine
broken. used. numb.
And i believe them
For i see the all too familiar look of numbness and hopelessness in their soulless features.
I see it all.

I think it's about time,
i join my friends
In the other side.

23:18pm // my friends in the dark /

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