Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


"Come, my child, Hope..."


"Hope!" Someone whispered to a shout. And it wasn't Dmitry.

"Excuse me, bathroom time." I laughed nervously, "I'll be back soon."

Running to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror after I had splashed my face with water. I just needed to clear my head. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

"Hope..." It whispered again. Looking up at the mirror I saw no-one there.

"Come, Hope, come."

"Hello?" I asked out loud and looked around.

"Come, Hope, destiny awaits."

"Hope..." an unknown force pulled me out of there and to the backdoor.

Something was pulling me while whispering to go further. Like a host in my own body I was compelled to do irresponsible actions. I watched as I moved out of the backdoor into the woods. My feet had a mind of its own, while I screamed for them to stop.

The backdoor opened with a screeching sound as the darkness of the night sucked me into it, deeper and deeper. I felt the cold grass which had a layer of dew on top, between my toes. The whispers got louder and louder as I went further into the woods, mist swerved around my body. It got louder and louder, until I heard a scream from my mouth. My limbs moved on their own until I fell to my knees, cradling my head, from the massive headache and loud shouting noises.

Until I felt it... a hand on my shoulder. In the mist a figure with bright eyes helped me up to my feet and led me deeper into the darkness. It swerved through the trees taking me with it until it slowly let go of my hand and disappear into thin air.

As the figure left, the mist started to clear, slowly crawling its way on the surface. The foggy daze I was in left with the figure too and I had full control of my body once again. Looking around scared I started to feel my panic bubbling up inside me. Heaving out-breath and hugging myself, walking around and trying to find my way back to the Lodge.

The wind was blowing around me making the trees sway around and leave crackling making an eerie sound in the woods. I started to cry for my stupidity, how could I just walk into the woods? I could have fought harder. I was going crazy, thinking that something controlled my body. Seeing figures in the mist?

"Ahh!" I screamed out loud and hit my head. I started to feel a headache coming up and my shortness of breath wasn't helping. I needed my pump, why didn't I bring my pump. Well, you were in the middle of the woods, Hope!

Coming to a stop, I heard twigs snapping behind me. Paws ran around and howled just a few yards from me. Starting to panic harder I ran in a direction to who knows where.

Something was running behind me, it left a growl or two, making me run even faster. My lungs burned as I went from left to right between the trees. Twigs scratched me, and pieces of clothes ripped from my body, making it open for more harm. My cheek was scratched by one of the bypassing branches with blood trickling down it. Jumping over rocks and fallen down logs, I feel my feet being torn apart by the sharpness of them all. As I was jumping over another log, something grabbed my foot and made me hit the log with a force.

Heaving out, I try to find the air that was forced out of me. Screaming at the pain in my ankle I try to find my footing, but as I was almost up something knocked me back down with a growl. Screaming out again and crawling under the fallen lock, trying to get away. I jumped up and groaned out in pain from my ankle and sprinted behind a tree away from the growling animal.

For a few minutes, everything went silent and I hoped that the animal gave up. Falling against a tree out of fatigue I try to take a breath but struggled in panic. Deciding to go forth I hear the same growl again and then I saw the dirt floor. It was on top of me, a giant wolf. The same one as before from the hike. Its teeth were dripping blood on my face and chunks of fur were pulled out here and there. I could have sworn that that wasn't there before, or this was another wolf. Kicking it in the stomach I wiggled my way out from under him and shift back against a tree where it held me captive with its eyes.

Just as it was ready to jump on me, it was grabbed out of the air and a painful moan was heard from it. It happened so fast that I almost didn't see what happened. It was like a shadow appeared out of no-where, barely seen in the night.

The world was spinning as the two wolves went for one another's throat. Blood was dripping from the black wolf's mouth as they fought. They were ripping at each other, but it was clear that the black wolf was stronger, faster and bigger than the other one.

I tried to get away from them both but struggled as I couldn't find my feet. My head was spinning in all different directions as I started to see black and white blotches in my vision from all the hyperventilating. The black wolf roared a vicious roar and bit threw the other wolfs neck, killing it instantly.

I pushed myself up the tree but lost my balance once again and started to fell back to the ground. As I was falling, I felt strong arms catch me, a man with dark hair and bright eyes caught me, but that was all I could see before it all turned black...

Words: 994

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