Chapter 6 * Game on

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"Lets begin the tour, at the moment we are in the infirmary, the mordernest room in Square Moon. Then up these stairs is the main hall, where we do most things, such as eat and catch up. Okay now you see that big ,old ,black door with the brass handle, that is the library. That archway over there is the entrance to the kitchen. This door here leads to where the pups stay."

I looked around and I noticed that no one was in the hall," Where is everyone?" "So on to the next thing, like I said only the highlights." WHY didn't he answer my question, honestly I have more questions in my head than brains. We walked down a passage lit by flame torches, there were so many doors that I lost count after 123. We suddenly stopped and I bashed into him, he was as hard as a wall. "😂I don't if I should take being called a wall a compliment or an offense ." I didn't know I said that out loud, how embarrassing. He opened up the door and ushered me inside
I heard yelling and cheering "This is where most people come after they've finished everything else." I walked into a huge room, not as large as the hall but still bigger than an average room. It was like those Roman games or a wrestling game, there was a huge pit in the middle, with stands and railings around the top edges, there were pillows and first aid ready for the fighters. The room reminded me of a stadium but smaller maybe 300 metres.

"This is our Training unit, where we learn to control the change or shift and of course how to fight and defence" said Kalder. I swear this guy is telepathic or something because I was just wondering about that. The name and use of the room. I wanted to watch but we had to continue the tour. "We will come back afterwatds I promise" whispered Kalder.

In total he showed me at least 20 rooms. "And finally the Alpha's room, which is where I have to love you and leave you." "WAIT WHAT don't leave me!" "Calm down I'll come back once you've finished."

"Celina come in please." A firm voice commanded.

I stepped inside the room, I shiver from fear and the cold. Sitting on a large oak chair was a woman and standing beside her I assume was her husband. "I am Alpha Coraline" said the lady "And I am Alpha Luke. We are very curious Celina about you." "So am I" I mumbled. " What was that" Coraline asked "So am I" I said louder. "She's honest ;that's good."
" We have a few questions if you don't mind, the ones that weren't asked during the trial and quite frankly the ones we couldn't ask." I nodded signalling to begin the questions. "How did you get in here." "Well I was looking for my family and I found myself on a cliff with no way back so I sat down and tried to think of ways to get back or signal for help, I began to fiddle with my locket as I always do when I'm freaking out because it calms me down, um I then saw some writing on it and I read it out and-" I stopped talking to think should I tell them, I mean they tried to kill me, locked me up twice and I am still pouring out what I know, why should I trust these people?"

"I know you have no reason to trust us but please answer our questions... We will answer yours." Okay she either has telepathy powers or is really good at reading someone or I said it outloud. "I read it out and in the rock there was a red gem that glowed and suddenly I felt compelled to touch it but as I did I let go and fell down to the ground, broke my ankel and tumbled down a lot of stairs and then landed on a dinner table in a bowl of jelly."

They chuckled at the last part "Thank you for that, just a few more questions; who gave you your locket?" " My parents I think, I was wearing it when I showed up on someones doorstep." Not that I stayed there long, 2 years later they were murdered, I was 6, I was then put in the foster system because I had relatives but the only known or alive ones were unable to care for me.

"Do you remeber what happened to your parents or know anything on them?" This was the question I was dreading. "I-I had these dreams or memories about my parents, the night when they where killed. I couldn't move, they were scared but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't help, they were running my dad carried me through the woods my mom stayed behind to fight she then returned to my dad as they stood and guarded me" I was only telling them what I could remeber of my years worth I nightmares , the highlights of my hell.

"We then go to the house to get something my mom has the items, I can't see what they are though, there is commotion downstairs my dad gives my mom me and tells her to run and that is where I normally wake up." They looked like they wanted more like they were going to press for more answers but they didn't. "Thank you, last question do you understand any of this ,like what's going on or who you are ,who your parents -wer- were and what you are?"

"Not really no, I know me or my parents were human or that they were normal in any way, when I was in that library thing-they tensened- I read a little bit about them not that I remeber much, I know they ain't human, they are... werewolves? I guess." "Oh no honey they weren't werewolves, they were like us." They grew ears and tails and fangs, their eyes went a dark gold " And you, Wolve. Coraline turned into a light tan wolf, her fur was a light sunset yellow. "I-I-I c-can turn into a freaking wolf!" I felt faint but I really should've guessed this by now. "You may ask one question for now; as since you've passed the test all your other questions shall soon be answered." I couldn't think straight what test? I was so confused that I couldn't get my words to match my thoughts so my question which was 'What test' came out as "Are are you telapathic?" I face palmed myself so hard. Luke said" Yes we both are but we don't often use it as it is very rude to intrude someones thoughts." " Um thanks, can I go?" "Yes yes go"

Kalder was waiting outside for me. "Are you ready?" He asks. "For what?" "Fun." He dragged me back to the stadium which is called the Rîvæl room whatever that means. We sat and watched the game which was a fighting game, there were 3 rounds, you fought your component until they were down for 5 seconds and you had three rounds of that. But it wasn't boring the people would go full wolf, half wolf or fight in human form, using fists or weapons. It was very exciting. You had different categories, Adults, Youth (which was what we were watching now) and Pups, in that order and there were Finals in each category, the competitors would sign up though it wasn't compulsory, thank goodness. "What a wonderful match, now our next competitors will fight after the break and they are Celina Blevine and Nicole Lai, now that is going to be interesting." "WAIT WHAT I didn't even sign up!" Shrieked Celina. "Suprise." Said Kalder. Oh dear I'm not going to enjoy this.

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