Chapter 1

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Louis and Harry are roommates in their flat and have been for about 11 months. Louis likes to wear pastel outfits. He told Harry after they moved in together. Harry likes what Louis looks like in them and tells him he's fine with them. "Haz?" "Yeah?" "You like my outfit?" Harry looks up and sees Louis in a pink skirt with straps, a black shirt, little shoes, knee-high socks and netting. (At the top). "You look so cute.." Louis hugs Harry and smiles.

"Thanks." Louis sits beside him on a chair on his knees. "Hungry?" "Yeah." "What ya want?" Louis thinks and looks at Harry. "Can we make spaghetti?" "That sounds good." Louis and Harry get up and get what they need. After they're done with the sauce and noodles. "This is good Hazza." Harry nods and they eat in silence.

Louis looks at Harry most of the time and smiles when he thinks of something. "Why are you smiling so much now?" Louis looks at him. "Just thinking." "About what?" "That stays a secret."


"Hazza?" "Yeah?" "What looks better." Harry looks over to see Louis holding up two outfits. Harry notices he's only wrapped in a towel. "You'd look nice in either one." Louis looks at the two and smiles. He walks into his room and gets dressed. He steps out with ripped blue jeans, a white shirt, and a plaid shirt tied around his waist. He sits next to Harry and his phone buzzes. He sees a text from an unknown number.

Louis: Hello?

Unknown: Hi

Louis: Who are you?

Unknown: Liam gave me your number.

Louis: Why?

Unknown: I was talking to him about how pretty you were and he gave me it.

Louis: I have to go.

Unknown: Bye Babe.

Louis leaves the messages and gets up to get a water bottle. "Hey Louis, my friend has a question." "What is it?" "He wants to go on a date." "What's his name?" "His name's Zayn." Louis drops his water bottle. Louis knows who Zayn is. He s hot. Louis always had a massive crush on him. "Lou?" "Yeah?" "Wanna go on a date with Zayn?" "Yeah." Harry goes to his phone texting, someone, probably Zayn. "Meet him tonight at some restaurant." "What one?" "The one with good chicken sandwiches." "Ok."

~ 7 pm

"Bye Hazza." "Have a good time." Louis goes on his date with Zayn. All goes well until Zayn wants to get Louis in bed. "Z-Zayn, trust me, I like you but I don't want to get in bed with you." "You're getting in bed with if you like it or not." "I won't" "Does it have to do with Harry?" "No, he's my roommate, my best friend, he has nothing to do with this." Louis gets up and leaves.

He makes to back home and Harry sees him swing the door open with reddened eyes and nose. "What happened, Lou." Louis looks at Harry and wraps his arms around him. "Zayn tried to get me into his bed." Harry wraps his arms around him and comforts him. "It's fine, I'm here." "I know." Louis and Harry go to the couch and cuddle. louis sits himself into Harry's side.

"Hazza?" "Yeah?" "Zayn said that because I didn't get in bed with him is because I liked you." "Do you like me?" "I don't know, you're my best friend." Harry leans down and kisses his temple. "Rest up, you've had a long night." Louis goes to get up but Harry stops him. "Where are you going?" "Can I get some pyjamas?" "Yeah." Louis gets up and goes to his room. He changes and goes back to Harry.

Louis sits himself in Harry's side again. "Lou?" "Yeah?" "Did you even want to go on a date with Zayn?" "No." "Why did you?" " I honestly don't know." Louis cuddles in Harry's side and plays with the curls at the back of his neck. "Lou, that tickles." Louis looks at him to see his eyes closed in content. "Haz?" "Yeah?"

"Ever like someone, you can't?" "Yeah, a few times." Louis nods and wraps his arms around his torso. "Why'd you ask?" "I like you." Louis looks at him with eyes that say he's hoping for something. "I like you too Lou." Louis doesn't know what way to take it, so he takes it as a friendly way. Harry sees a look of sadness and almost embarrassed look in his eyes. "Lou, I like you, more than what you think." Louis smiles at him and lays his head on Harry's chest. "Let's wait and see what the world brings us."

Roommates-Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now