
522 31 16

There was a rustle of leaves in the distance that Hoseok picked up on while he listened to Jungkook speak. It had been almost five years since Taehyung's departure, and Hoseok had taken that time to catch up with Jungkook and look after the brunet until the strawberry blond male came back.

Hoseok had often been forced to listen to Jungkooks wistful talks, as the brunet looked up at the moon and smiled in his sweet and gentle way. Hoseok had been entranced more often times than not, as he watched the long lashes flutter closed when it was raining in spring; the pink tongue sticking out to catch snowflakes that buried the two in winter; the startled look when he sneezed from pollen softly brushing past his nose. Jungkook was an unspeakable beauty as he wished and hoped upon the moon and stars for Taehyung to come back soon.

("Do you think he misses me?" Jungkook asked once, his dark eyes looking over at Hoseok as he admired the subtle beauty of Jungkook as he smiled, the corner of his eyes wrinkling. "I think he does, but I don't think he would admit that."

Hoseok agreed, deciding to look at the water rushing by before them.

"Do you think he loves me?" Jungkook didn't glance at Hoseok, instead looking up the moon with a far away look, as if daydreaming of the blond. "Because I really love him."

Hoseok didn't answer, because he didn't think Jungkook wanted his opinion, it seemed more like he was asking the moon, as if that was the only opinion that mattered.)

"I want to see him." Jungkook said for the millionth time since Taehyung left. Hoseok glanced at the trees and bushes where a figure emerged and he smiled softly, already imagining the happiness that would overcome Jungkook's gentle features.

"Hoseok?" He asked, watching the older male stand up and dust his pants, giving Jungkook a smile before turning to the forest. "I'll leave you to talk with your moon." Hoseok motioned, watching Jungkooks face twist into confusion.

Jungkook blinked, watching Hoseok walk away until he noticed the other body that greeted the older brunet. He perked up in his spot and waited patiently for the moon to look at him.

"I've been waiting," Jungkook said gently, his hair blowing softly in the wind as his pitch black eyes met dark grey. "Taehyung."

The moon smiled gently at him and sat right next to the pitch black darkness.

"I assume that you've been thinking?" a pale hand reached out to cup his cheek, tracing a fading scar from their first meeting.

"I did; I thought of you." The moon smiled and gently held the hand in his slightly bigger and slender hands. Jungkook smiled sweetly, capturing the moon's core in darkness, holding his heart close and gently and the moon smiled brightly in return at the warmth from the brunet.

"You've grown." Taehyung commented, taking in the innocent and fragile beauty that made Jungkook look so ethereal. His jaw was more defined and his cheeks lost the little baby fat he had. His eyes stayed the same though. Big and shiny and still pitch black, holding the stars and the universe that Taehyung had lost himself in, drawn closer to, just like the fragility he once ran away from, but now wanted to hold close to him and never let go.

"I love you." Jungkook bluntly stated with a pink tint on his cheeks. Taehyung couldn't help but think that it suited the young brunette.

The moon smiled adoringly at Jungkook and leaned close to gently peck Jungkook's cheek. "I love you too."

A soft sound of happiness reached Taehyung's ears and he realized he'd never heard Jungkook laugh, but it was such a sweet sound that Taehyung couldn't help but widen his smile and pull Jungkook into a hug.

"I love you so much Jungkook."

The darkness wrapped around the moon gently, filling the moon with warmth and love, and the small twinkle of stars in Jungkook's eyes met the gentle flow of the moon in Taehyung's.

"You came back." Jungkook smiled sweetly and didn't look away from the sharp gray eyes of the moon. "Thank you."

Taehyung laid Jungkook's head on his shoulder and the two sat in silence, enjoying the company of the other.

"I'll do anything for you." Taehyung said suddenly, watching the clouds cover and uncover the moon above them.

Jungkook didn't hear, but he didn't need to when Taehyung held him so close and he felt so safe, so happy in his arms. Jungkook trusted Taehyung to never leave him again even though their relationship was never one to be so trusting.


"That's cute," Jimin whispered, holding onto the bark of a tree as he peeked into the clearing to see Jungkook laughing.

"I'm glad he's happy again," Hoseok mumbled, leaning against a tree next to Jimin, but he watched the stars twinkle above them, wanting Jungkook and Taehyung to have some form of privacy despite Jimin's peeking. "But, why do we have to stay here? This should be private for them."

"I wanna see them kiss, Jungkook's told me he liked Taehyung's kisses when he left five years ago."

Hoseok chuckled and decided to peek into the clearing just in time to see Taehyung lean in to kiss Jungkook slowly. Jungkook had always liked slow and gentle kisses, it was no wonder the deaf boy wanted more from the strawberry blonde male who saw him as the most fragile thing in the world.

"Alright, let's go, this is getting kinda gross to watch." Jimin turned to face Hoseok, his nose wrinkled in disgust.

Hoseok smiled and followed Jimin back towards the city, content that Jungkook had someone who cared about him and treated him like the most valuable thing in the world.

"Hey Hoseok? Wanna go get something to eat? My treat,"

Jimin met his eyes with a friendly smile, but the light blush dusting his cheeks is what made Hoseok smile in return.

"Sure." Maybe Hoseok could find happiness of his own.

**well there u go, it's ended. wow it feels so bittersweet being done.

I hope you liked this, I really enjoyed writing this and I think this is the fastest I've ever finished writing a story. like the updates were somewhat consistent and I'm proud of that, although this story could use some fixups but I like it.
I hope u liked it too.

let me know what you think about this, I'd like to hear feedback (good or bad I wanna hear it)
I'll also clarify anything if you're confused.

well, thanks for reading!
<3 **

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