Bonus Chapters

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Agent 1's POV

"You wanted to see me, sir?" I question as I stand in the doorway to Zero's office.

He doesn't even look up from the stack of papers on the desk in front of him. He nods and waves me in. "Shut the door behind you," He tells me.

I shut the door quietly and take a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. He continues to stare down at the papers in front of him, occasionally making a note on the paper with his pen.

I begin to drum my fingers on the arm of the chair as I wait for him to say something. To tell me why he wanted to see me in his office. Though I suspect I know the reasoning. Pretty sure he doesn't care for my going off on my own without his orders and rescuing Thirteen. Well too bad. I'd do it over again a million times more if I have to.

Finally, he puts down his pen and turns his attention to me. "What you did today," He starts, his voice firm and a deadly sort of calm. "will not be repeated. Are we clear?"

"Murky at best," A new voice chimes in.

I whirl around in my seat to face the open office door and Thirteen standing in the doorway, a stack of files in her hands. I turn back to Zero, who narrows his eyes at Thirteen.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your untimely interruption?" He asks her.

She keeps her face blank as she takes a paper off the top of the stack of files and walks forward and hands it to him. He takes his time reading over it and when he finishes he glances up at her.

"Has Delta 2 agreed to this?" He questions.

"Indirectly," She responds.

To read the rest of this Bonus Chapter for Agent 57, as well as the several others I wrote up, you can click on the link on my Wattpad Bio.

Several of the chapters include new points of view, including both Ryder's and Lily's. So go check them out!

On the other app/website, the bonus chapters are;
Chapter 1, 12, 14, 15, 20, 32, 38, 40, 45

The website/app the link is attached to is free as well as the story and all its bonus chapters. You just need to create a profile to start reading. Of course, that's only if you want to read the bonus chapters.

For now, there are only Bonus Chapters posted for Agent 13 and Agent 57, but I will be posting bonus chapters for Agent 1 when I get the chance. Thanks, and go check them out.

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you all go check out the bonus chapters. Thanks again!

Also, so sorry there haven't been any updates to Agent 1 or Password Incorrect. I've been busy with college starting up again, my job, and just everything else going on in my life. I'll update the books soon, but I can't say for sure when. I'm working on it.

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