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Look. It was getting popular, I had to! Plus, most of them are yandere Baldi's... which results in a bad end. This is a good end for once.
THIS BOOK WILL BE SHORT I PROMISE! Also, I made the cover.  Sucks, I know.

Rewritten: 5:30AM; March 20, 2020
-Y/n's PoV-

"God damn it, F/n . . . What's so important about eating practice anyways? " I grumbled under my breath, gripping the straps of my backpack as I made it closer to the school. My friend, F/n, forgot to get their notebooks from school, and asked me to do it because they had to attend eating 'practce'. "I mean... Come on! They're old enough to be responsible, like me!" I stopped in front of the school to observe it. Jeez, whoever designed this school definitely didn't take architectural design, I thought.

The school's, 'Here School's, layout was an extremely bland one. It was a straight rectangular school. The ceiling didn't even have depth to it, so it looks like someone just got a giant cement rectangle, hollowed the inside, and decided to call it a 'school'.
I opened the door to the school, and stepped inside. Immediately, I noticed someone standing by the entrance, as if he'd been awaiting my arrival. Okay, now that's creepy, I thought, feeling a sweat drop slide down my face at that very moment.

The man in front of me with bright, red lips was around 5 foot 9 inch, and yet quite thin. He wore a bright, neon green shirt that could hurt one's eyes looking at it for too long; plain, blue pants that complimented the green he wore; shiny, black shoes that looked like it had been polished over and over to the point it could reflect. What stood out among all his oddities was that he was bald, save it for a single strand of hair on his head.

The man smiled once I entered, and said, "Oh, hi, welcome to my schoolhouse! I'm Baldi Baldimore, and I teach here!" He held his hand out for me to shake. I hesitated, before slowly grabbing it and giving it a light shake. This teacher seemed a bit creepy, at least, to me. "Um . . . hi, I'm Y/n L/n. I'm here to get F/n's
notebooks . . . ?" I said, nervously.

"Ah . . . F/n F/l/n. They're a failure in my class, and they let you retrieve their notebooks for them instead of facing me themselves?" His grip on my hand had tightened. I tried to pull away, which made him notice my struggle. He let go soon after while I rubbed my hand. Baldi sighed, saying,
"I'm sorry. It's just . . . don't like it when people fail in my class, and don't come here to face the consequences . . ." Not really minding how creepily he said that, I hummed, "That's understandable. By the way, where can I find the notebooks?" I took a glance at my surroundings.

There were three yellow doors in the room; two at the sides, and the front door. Two potted plants right beside the entrance which almost looked synthetic. Two, I'm guessing, classrooms, that have the label '99' on it . . . strange.

"F/n didn't bother to bring them all. They're scattered in the classrooms around s-school for each class," he added. I nodded in response, thanking him with a smile.

-Baldi's POV-

Great. I stuttered. At least they didn't notice. Something about them makes me feel weird. . . It not love since we just met, I know that. I feel . . . possessive- obsessed! But why? It's not because they're gorgeous, it's something else, BUT WHAT? God damn it, I just met this person. Suddenly, my head started to ache for no good reason. I winced, and held onto it. "Hey, you okay?" they asked, concern on their features.

Somehow, my eyes lowered to look at their lips. Their lips look so . . . kissa- No! Bad Baldi! Bad! Why am I even thinking this?! This is insane! My head felt another pang, making me clench my teeth. I forced a smile, and responded, "U-um- Yeah, I'm fine! Don't let me hold you back. Just go to one of the classrooms, and get the notebooks laying by the teacher's table; those are all F/n's since they left them there." They nodded, and were about to leave before I continued, "Oh, also, you literally CANNOT leave the classroom if there are unfinished assignments. And knowing F/n . . . " 

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