Envy |12|

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BangtangCup requested this, I think. Speaking of Cuphead, someone please tell me all the Cagney x readers you know... just the fluff

I breathed in, it's another amazing day! I got up from the bed and took a shower. I then ate some [Favorite Breakfast] and opened the TV.

I got so caught up in [Favorite Program] that I didn't realize the time I was wasting. I put the bowl in my sink and headed out.

The fresh air was so cool today. I sighed as I made my way to Here School to see the others, since I had nothing to do today.

As I was walking I bumped into something.

"Ah... sorry." A males voice with a rich irish accent apologized. So it's a someone.

"No it's okay. I wasn't looking anyways." I smiled at him.

"Oh, I'm Anti, by the way." He stuck his gloved hand out. (Shoosh)

"I'm Y/n!" I took his hand and shook it.

"Where are you headed?"

"Oh, to Here School." He nodded.

"Can I see you soon?" He asked.

"Sure. I have to go now, see ya! " I smiled as I continued my way there, until sooner than later, I reached my destination.

When I opened the doors, I was greeted with an angry Baldi.

"Were you cheating on me?" I looked at him, confused.

"Why would you think that?"

"Well, I saw you talking to that guy. What was his name again... Anti?" I glared at him.

"Were you spying on me?" He blushed.

"N-no?" I facepalmed.

"Just because I met a guy, doesn't mean I like him like that, I already have you!" I embraced him in a hug and he hugged back immediately.

"I guess I could let you see him" I kissed his cheek.

"Thanks!" We continued doing random things with the others.

--Taimmu skippu burotu bai mai fairud Japanees attempu--

Me and Anti kept meeting each other before I went to Baldi every morning. He was a really nice guy. But everytime I enter Here School, Baldi looks at me sadly. Did I do something wrong?

This particular day, though was very different.

I went to see Anti again and found him pacing around.

"Anti?" He froze and turned to face me.

"U-uh... yeah?" He asked.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah!" His face turned red. Is he blushing?

"L-look Y/n, I need ta do something right now. I'll see ya later, o-okay?" He left immediately. I shrugged it off and went to Here School.

Baldi didn't look so happy.

"I think you shouldn't see him anymore..." He said bluntly.

"What? Why?" I asked him.

"Because... something's not right about him. I'm only worried for your safety." I grew furious at this.

"What?! Just because he seems dangerous doesn't mean he is! Plus, I can take care of myself just fine!" He growled and gripped my arm while pinned me to the wall.


"You will not see him anymore and that is final." With that, he left.

I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Why should I even listen to him?" I stood up and ran back to the place where I usually meet Anti.

I saw Anti there. He was deep in thought. I approached him with a smile.

"Hey! Anti-" I blacked out.


"Ugh..." I stirred. It took me a while to realize that I was in a green bed.

"Ah, Y/n." Baldi came in. I furrowed my brows and rubbed my temple.

"What...?" I didn't finish my sentence.

"Oh you're probably confused." He smiled.

"I'll fill you in on that!"


Baldi's POV

I can't believe that they would run away just to see that boy. I thought they loved me.

I followed my love out to the meet-up and hid. They were about to call out Anti until a red head hit my love with a bat.

I felt rage take over me.

"Ah, she's so beautiful. We're sharing, right?" The red one asked.

"Yes, Dark. How many times do I have ta say. We're sharing her. She'll be the perfect girl.~" Anti said with lust in his voice.

I stepped out of my hiding spot and approached them with the metal ruler I got.

"AH SHIT! IT'S THAT LUNATIC MATH TEACHER! QUICK, RU-" I stabbed Anti in the stomach with the ruler and he fell.

Dark was cautiously backing away. I charge at him and stabbed his head, his skull breaking.

Once they were done, I picked up my love and made my way home.


Y/n's POV

'' And now, we're here. "I blinked a couple of times.

There was a remote on the beside table and a TV across the room. I got the remote and turned on the news.

"Breaking news: Two men were found dead on the sidewalks. Research has shown that they got stabbed. We have identified them as Anti Septic Eye and Dark Iplier.

Two of them have an excessive amount of crimes, including rape, kidnapping, murder, and drugs. And now  for the weather-"

I closed the TV and slowly turned to face Baldi.

"You... killed... two people?" He just laughed.

"Yeah, but I cleaned off a threat of the world in exchange for my love, safe and sound." I smiled and stood up. I enveloped him in a hug.

"I'm glad you saved me... I'll try not to make you jealous."


I'm not really sure if this is a request, but yeah.

I tried ;-;

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I tried ;-;

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