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OMG. I was seriously Thinking I would leave this book There because of the Lack of Reads. 

Shout out to @InsertFunnayName and @juicylemon56 for Supporting my book with Positive Comments.Not the Best of Chapters because I am Tired.

Best Line of The Chapter      "Gahh,My Head"

Neon Lights-Demi Lovato

Its My Birthday -Will.i.am

Alexandra's POV

 "Listen, Its Not Fair to Pick on Anthony"I say to Amanda and Anne. They Stare at my Emotionless. Soon Enough Amanda Speaks Up. "Who Is Anthony?" . I shake my Head Disprovingly.

"I mean "Mr.Shhh"I say Irritated. "Come On Girl,I know its been a Long time since you've kissed a Boy but you need to get over your Little Mr.Shh Crush"Anne says Patting My Shoulder in Pity.

Amanda Nods Her Head in Agreement. "Fine,Whatever"I say,Giving In.The Bell Rings Signalling anybody that has Extra Classes to Attend the Classes.

Anne and Amanda Rush Off.I lock my Locker and Quickly Walk to My English Class.I left my Books There. Starting to Run,I bump into Someone.

Gahh,My Head."Sorry,So-o-o-rr-y"The Person Croaks and Stutters and Instantly I know Its Anthony.I open my Eyes and Look up at him.He is Picking up some Books........My Books.

"I thought I would give these to you"He Whispers,Looking Away."Thanks"I say Getting up and Straighting my Skirt. "So How Are You?"I ask,Tempted to make Small Talk.

He Just Looks at me.I look down at his Lips and Remember the Eletricty they Give me,Remeber The Want I wanted.

I soon Regret Looking down at his Lips when I look up and See the Crowd Around Us.He Blushes in Embarrassment and I scowl.

The Crowd are Awful,Starting Un-True Rumours and Laughing at anybody and Everybody. I walk away My Head Held High,Hearing the Laughs Behind Me.

-----Next Day,In The School Cafeteria--------

"Alexandra"Amanda and Anne Call,Sounding...Angry? "Yas"I Say. "I've heard Million of Terrible Rumours and None of them have Put shame on me but Alexandra,This Morning I heard Rumours About You. Flirting with Mr.Shhh? What are you Thinking"Amanda says,Anger Radiating Of Her.

"Pfftttt, Amanda,dont be Silly,we both Know that Its a False Rumour"I say,Happily. Anne Rolls Her Eyes.

"Look,One More Slip Up and your Off the Popular Table,Losing all your Popularity and Me and Amanda wont be your Friends anymore"Anne Says,Flaring with Anger.

Thats Basically everything I have at this School apart from Good Grades.

Anthony or School? What To Choose.


Comment. Anthony or School?

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