Chapter 3 - Mutual Understanding

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Draco had never been one to open up. Not to anyone, not his friends, not his family, not even his parents. He spoke to no one about his feelings, his problems, or his fears. Not a single soul knew what flowed through his mind and he wanted it to stay that way.

However Hermione Granger had suddenly changed that. For some unknown reason, Draco felt as though he could reveal things to her, knowing she would not laugh in his face or criticize him in anyway. He felt a strange fondness towards her. Maybe it was her kind eyes or her soft voice that made him feel comfortable in her presence. Either way, he had just blurted out something that was deeply personal and somewhat embarrassing. He had had no reason to tell her. He just did.

And after a very long length of painful silence, she finally managed to remove the puzzled look that was etched on her face,

“Why?” she asked gently, her voice calm and full of thought.

For the first time in what seemed like forever, Draco was able to answer a question without hesitation. He didn’t have to think of excuses or justified reasons. He could just tell her the plain truth.

“I didn’t love her” He announced firmly, moving his gaze so that he met hers. She did not do as he had expected and tell him was a complete arse. She merely shrugged her shoulders,

“Fair enough” she muttered.

Fair enough? Draco would have thought that Granger would usually be quick witted enough to retort and insult him, so this answer suddenly stumped him. Did she understand? She didn’t judge him, or laugh at him, she simply understood him. He shot her a confused look, crinkling his nose in bewilderment.

She smiled weakly before explaining herself,

“Look, it’s not the best way you could have handled it, but you did what you had to do and I’m in no position to judge… trust me…”

If he was puzzled before, now he was utterly amazed. It was as though she had picked through his mind and spoken aloud what he had been feeling. He was speechless, but managed to nod slowly at her.

Suddenly he fully comprehended what she had last said. She was in no position to judge? Why was that? Surely she couldn’t have done something as awful as he had. She was little miss perfect, gets straight O’s in her O.W.Ls and knows every little detail about any bloody subject. What could she have possibly done?

“What do you mean?” Draco voiced gently but a little hastily.

Granger’s faint smile faded instantly and she stared at him with a panicked look on her face. She didn’t mind finding out about his messed up situation but when it came to discovering her own, that was a different story and Draco could see this painted across her pristine face.

“Well…” She began, speaking in a hushed tone, “I’ve done something similar…”

Draco’s reaction was instant, he shouted “WHAT?!” very loudly, forgetting that they were in a public place and although it was almost empty, the select few who did inhabit the pub whipped around quickly.

Granger blushed furiously, grabbing Draco’s forearm,

“God, shut up… Why did you have to shout for?” she hissed angrily.

 He composed himself, waiting for the people to return to their own business.

“Sorry… but… You, you couldn’t possibly do anything of the sort. You’re too good and caring…” He smirked.

He immediately realised that he had just in fact complimented Granger, which was odd. He hadn’t meant it as a compliment though, or did he? His brain was pulsing under the conflicting thoughts.

He watched as she sighed, “Yes… I have done something awful… but I don’t see why I should tell you” she declared bluntly, folding her arms and flicking her head up snobbishly.

“Hey! I told you about my err… situation” he retorted.

He glared as her shoulders sagged in defeat and once again she let out a huge sigh.

 “Fine… well basically I’ve abandoned Ron.”



This honestly had to be the oddest day of Hermione’s life. She was actually sat in a pub having a civilised conversation with Draco Malfoy. The person she assumed hated her with a passion. They were so completely different. She was a Gryffindor and he was a Slytherin. He was a pureblood and she was Muggle born. So different, yet Hermione realised that maybe they wasn’t as opposite as she first thought. He had abandoned his girlfriend, his fiancée much likeshe had with Ron. He had immensely changed and so had she. And now, here she was telling him her secrets willingly. As though they were best friends, which they most definitely weren’t. Far from it in fact.

They were acquaintances at best. But why did she feel so natural around him? She acted her true self around him and told him the complete truth for no apparent reason. It was not as if he had his wand pressed against her throat, ordering her to divulge her darkness secrets. She simply told him, and Draco certainly seemed shocked when she did. 

“You did what?” he sniggered, “Wow Granger, I’m impressed” his eyebrows rising high on his forehead. 

“I’m not proud of it…” She mumbled, hanging her head shamefully. She suddenly felt a pang of guilt as she thought about Ron. He would be awake by now and would have woken up alone and confused to where his beloved girlfriend had gone, or his beloved slave. Still, she felt sorry for him.

“Oh well, He probably deserved it” Malfoy laughed “He was always a right git in Hogwarts. Him and Potter always waltzing around like they fucking owned the place… It was pathetic”

Hermione then felt anger bubble deep inside her. These were her friends he was talking about. Her best friends. And although they most likely hated her right now, she would not allow Malfoy to speak about them so rudely.

“Shut the hell up Malfoy, don’t speak about them like that!” She growled, trying to keep voice as low as possible because she did not want to attract any unnecessary attention.

Malfoy seemed extremely taken aback by this.

“Woah, calm down!” he replied, motioning his hands. If there was one thing Hermione hated, it was to be told to calm down. These words actually made her even angrier. She would not let anyone belittle her and use any sort of sarcastic tone towards her.

“I will not calm down!” she reeled, her cheeks becoming flustered in rage “You insulted my best friends and I won’t take it! I thought you had changed, but you seem to be the same git as you always were!” her voice was rising unintentionally.

Draco cocked his head slightly, and raised one eyebrow in surprise.

“Now now, don’t have to be so feisty! For your information, I have completely changed” he smirked smugly, “Besides; you’re the one who left them for dust.”

Hermione desperately tried to force herself not to believe this. She tried to justify what she had done in her head. But of course, it was true. She had harshly and brutally left Ron without even a measly note to explain where and why she had gone. And Harry would probably just be as heartbroken that she would do something like that to his best friend. Boys always stuck together.

And though she utterly detested herself for admitting it, Malfoy was right and there was nothing she could do about it.

Her eyes began to swell with warm salty tears as she imagined their hurt faces when they discovered she had gone. And she allowed these tears to trickle slowly down her rosy cheeks, leaving Malfoy looking completely helpless.

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