Chapter 22 - Terrified Tears

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His father’s body was moved swiftly from the Manor grounds. Draco couldn’t bear to watch when two young Healers apparated away with the limp body. Everyone was extremely unnerved by his mother’s astonishing announcement. To cause her husband to become obsessed with Muggle borns was a very strange punishment. Did his father know what he was doing? Or had all of his previous mind state simply disappeared? It would forever be a total mystery.

Now what needed to be decided was what would happen to Draco’s poor mother. She was a murderer and there was no other option than to send her to Azkaban, but he didn’t want to. His mother was the only family he had left. Strangely, the Healers who had taken his father’s body had not asked a single question. Perhaps they were just glad to see the back of him. Draco knew that most of the wizarding world had despised his father after the war.

“I will hand myself in…” His mother affirmed sternly, her tone of voice suggested she didn’t want any objections. However Draco did not want her to go. She may never get out. She may go completely insane from the cruel dementors sucking every last happy memory from her frail body. These images raced through his mind causing him to quickly argue.

“But Mother, there must be another way.” He wondered curiously, trying to stop his voice from becoming wobbly. He would not cry.

He had not cried when his father had died right before his eyes however the mere idea of his defenceless mother was being shipped off to Azkaban to endure unbearable pain made him want to weep.

But he couldn’t. Not with Hermione, Potter, Weasley and Astoria in his presence. He certainly didn’t want to look weak in front of them.

His mother edged towards him and smiled gently, glancing up at his tall height. He could see tears faintly in her eyes and he knew she was trying to be brave.

“It’s for the best Draco dear” She confirmed, nodding softly, “I have to face up to what I have done; I cannot simply go on the run…”

Draco knew his mother was right. Even if she tried to run, she would be caught. News of his father’s death would spread quickly and she would be a strong suspect.

He admired her greatly for this brave decision. She was a courageous woman. Draco then thought about how much he must have disappointed her when he had run. Run away from his wedding, his troubles. At that moment in his life, he was feeble and had indeed shamed the Malfoy name. But now, he felt as though everything had changed. He had Hermione. Perhaps that was all he needed.

“I will miss you so very much…” His mother breathed, before pulling him into her small frame and squeezing him tightly. And then they came. He couldn’t stop them no matter how much he wanted to. Warm tears trickle from his grey eyes and landed on his mother’s shoulder. He was definitely pleased that he was facing away from Hermione and the others. Draco couldn’t remember the last time he had cried. Probably back in sixth year when he had been ordered to kill Dumbledore. That had been simply terrifying.

But those were tears of fear and loneliness. Now he was crying tears of pure sadness and helplessness. He had just lost his father and now he was losing his mother as well. It just wasn’t fair.

“I’ll m-miss you too, M-mum…” He stammered, pulling away from her painful grip. She shot him a bewildered look. He hadn’t called her mum since he was a little boy. It was always ‘Mother.’

“I better get going t-then…” She laughed nervously and breathing deeply. It was obvious she was petrified. Then she sighed heavily before stepping into the fireplace with a large handful of Floo powder.

“Azkaban Prison!” She shouted clearly, disappearing in a green flame.

Everyone was silent and Draco didn’t care anymore. He let his tears fall freely as that was the last time he may ever see his mother again…


There was a lump in her throat. She was trying so hard not to cry and be brave for Draco’s sake. The image of his broken-hearted face made her feel so utterly depressed. She watched as he stood rigidly staring at the fireplace for quite a while. She glanced around at Harry and Ron who nudged her to go and comfort him. Obviously, they had already accepted their relationship.

Hermione shuffled timidly towards her saddened boyfriend and wrapped her arms softly around his tall body, resting her head on his chest. She felt his shaky breaths and his heart was beating rather quickly.

She looked up at his face which tear-stained and pink.

“Draco… It’s going to be alright…” She said softly, allowing the corners of her mouth to rise ever so slightly.

His eyes met hers. He seemed so lost now. Both of his parents were gone within one night, of course it would take him some time to get his head around.

“I-I’m going outside” He mumbled quietly before moving away from her and making his way out of the Manor.

She stared around at the rest of them. Harry, Ron and Astoria were all stood uncomfortably, giving her sympathetic looks.

 “We should probably be getting home…” Ron said, glancing towards his girlfriend, who nodded in approval.

Harry met Hermione’s eyes and looked sorrowful,

“I should be getting home too, Gin will be worried” he emitted, “You should go home too Mione…”

How could she? How could she leave her broken-up boyfriend in such a state? The answer was she couldn’t. What was Harry thinking…?

“Harry, I’m staying. I’ve got to make sure Draco is alright…” she responded. He seemed to understand and nodded politely, before walking over to her and embracing her in a friendly hug.

“Make sure he doesn’t hurt you… People can lash out when they’re vulnerable…” Harry warned, “Believe me, I would know.”

Hermione knew exactly what he meant. When Sirius died, Harry’s temper had hit the roof. He didn’t want to speak to anyone and raged when people tried to help. She doubted Draco was the same kind of person, but she was definitely wary.

“I’ll be fine… Say hello to Ginny for me” Hermione smiled, letting go of her friend.

Harry gave her a short wave before apparating quickly. Hermione then turned to Ron and Astoria. It was strange seeing them together because she had always imagined herself by Ron’s side that was until he started treating her like some kind of object. But she had forgiven him, much like he had forgiven her. Still something didn’t seem right.

“It was err… lovely to meet you…” Astoria smiled weakly, and then linked an arm around Ron’s.

“I’ll see you soon Mione.” He grinned. The both of them apparated swiftly, leaving her completely alone apart from her thoroughly depressed boyfriend who was waltzing around outside.

She decided it best to go and talk to him, so grabbed a cloak and ventured out into the cold night. The wind blew roughly through her caramel hair and she squinted around to try and spot Draco. He can’t have gone too far. But after searching for approximately fifteen minutes, she was starting to worry as he was absolutely nowhere to be found.

That was until she saw a manly body laid tiredly on the grass.

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