The Chase

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Your POV
"Is there somebody who can help me it's like the walls are caving in", you sing along to the lyrics of the song.

You're on you way back to your apartment after visiting your parents.

As you're driving down the road your car starts beep signifying it's low on gas.

You stop at a gas station and get off to pay inside.

"Hello ma'am", the cashier greets.
"Hello", you respond.

You looked around the store for some snacks since you a bit hungry. You find your snacks and walk up to the front of the store and pay.

"Is that it for today"
"Umm oh and 30 on 4 please"
"Sure thing you're total is $34.18"

You swipe your card and the cashier gives you your receipt.

"Thank you and have a good night"
"Thanks you too", you reply.

You make your way back to your car and put your snacks inside. You pop open the gas tank to your car and insert the gas pump. You pull out your phone as you wait for the gas tank to fill up.

As you're scrolling through Instagram, you hear pounding footsteps as if someone were running.
You look up to see if you saw anyone but nothing.
So look back down at your phone.

You then hear a car door open then close and realize it was from your car; someone just got in your car from the other side.

You start to internally freak out not wanting to face your car. What should I do? Should I run? Call the police? Should I just check who's in there? Fuck.

You slowly turn and walk around to the other side of your car as you attempt to look through you tinted windows. You take a deep breath and run towards the car door and open it. What the fuck?

Grayson's POV
Ethan and I have just finished our meet n greet here in L.A and are now walking out through the back door.

We decide to walk around front assuming everyone would be gone by now. We turn the corner and see no one outside so we continue to walk as we're on our phones.

All of a sudden we hear a big roar of screams.
We look up and see a huge crowd of fans in the lobby of the venue, so we pick up our pace.

We then hear the doors open and as we turn around we see all of the fans running towards us.
"FUCK", Ethan and I say together and begin to run. We're running faster than ever as our fans continue to chase us.

Ethan's POV
"Great fucking job Grayson"
"What the fuck how is this my fault", he replies angrily.
"Umm oh I don't know maybe because you wanted to come around front"
"Okay you act like I forced you to, dumb ass"
"Says the one that can't spell"
"What the fuck does that have to do with any of this right now"
"Look lets just stop arguing"
"Fine", Grayson replies.

We look back and realize the fans were still following us from far back and that we were fucking lost.

"Hey look there's a gas station let's go", I point out.
Grayson and I run up to the gas station and look around to notice a car.

"Let's get in that car now", I say.
"Are you fucking crazy Ethan"
"Do you wanna get fucking attacked"
"Exactly let's go"
We both run up to the car and get into the back seat.
We're both breathing heavily after running for so long.
We look to the left and notice a girl on her

"Fuck Ethan what are we going to tell her. Did she even notice us? What she calls the cops?"
"Shut up Grayson", I say as I notice the girl going around the car.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! What am I going to say? What is SHE going to say?
She then runs towards the car door and opens it.

Your POV
You stare at the two guys in your back seat and immediately recognize them.
But what were they doing in your back seat.
"Hi", you say awkwardly.
"Hi I'm Ethan and this is my brother Grayson"
"Yeah I watch your YouTube videos you guys are great"
"Are you guys okay?"
"Yeah we just need your help"
"Okay what do you guys need?"
(A/N: Part two is coming)

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