Been so long.

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   I get up to open the door. My heart is racing I could possibly have a heart attack! Thats how bad it was racing!
"Open the door already Garrett! Jeez."
"Ok, ok..."
I open the door and run to the kitchen as soon as I open it. I could hear Morgan laughing her ass off.
"Well hello to you too Garrett"
I hear that voice. It sounds familiar... OMG! It's her! Oh fuck! Act cool Garrett...
I feel two small arms around my torsos. I look down. And DAMN! She's better looking than last time I've seen (y/n).
"H-hey (y/n)."
"I've missed you dude. You've gotten cuter since the last time I've seen you! Haha!"
"Well you look WAY better than I do"
Fuck why did I say that...

(Y/n) POV

  Well. He is geekier than I remember. Well that's just Garrett. Shane and Ryland walk into the kitchen along with Morgan.
"Ok (y/n). Me and Ryland just sat all your stuff down in the living room."
"Thanks Shane"
I smile. Man I'm excited to hang out with everyone again. It has been so long since I've saw them. Last time I saw them I was 20. Now I'm 25 so... yeah.
"So how long are you staying for?"
I turn around to see that Morgan had snuck up on me.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you!"
"It's ok haha! Well anyways.... I'm staying for about a couple months. I'm still thinking about moving to LA but I still don't know"
"That's cool"


  Jeez. As her small lushes lips move as she talk makes me wanna... WHAT AM I SAYING?!
"Uhhh Garrett? Why are you looking at (y/n) like that...?"
"Oh you wanna know why Shane. It's because Garrett has a...."
"MORGAN! Shhhh!"
I look at (y/n). She wasn't paying any attention luckily. He was sitting at the kitchen table playing with Cheeto.
"U-uhh (y/n). Let me help you with your stuff" I ask
"Ok thanks Garrett"
I walked faster than I should have to the living room. I picked up one of her bags and she grabbed the other. I walked her up too her room she will be staying in.
"Whoa... Garrett.."


Garrett WattsxFemale Reader One Shot.Where stories live. Discover now