Suspicious Instructor

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"J-hope faster faster!" the dance instructor shouted at the rapper who was dancing with all his heart and strength left.

Yoongi frowned as he watched the younger exert himself too much. Hoseok nodded vigorously as he quickened his pacing, almost going too fast than the whole group, who almost stumbled at the sudden quickness of their hope.

The music ended and Hoseok collapsed on the ground, chest heaving and cheeks red. Jimin sat down heavily beside him and urged his hyung to lay his head on his lap, to which Hobi was all too happy to comply with, trying to regain his breathing.

The instructor looked at him. "The music is tight and quick Hobi. You need to snap and flow, be tight and smooth, pop and be graceful. The tempo's different you get it?"

He just nodded numbly, licking his lips and sweeping his hair from his eyes. "I get it sir. I'll do my best." He tried to smile but it hurt his lips since he was so tired.

"Alright then. I'll be expecting improvement the next week." He turned to Namjoon. "I'll be taking my leave now Namjoon-ah."

Yoongi's eyes follow the instructor as he leaves. His eyes are dark and his mouth is fixated into a frown, not liking him one bit for making Hobi give too much into the practice when he was doing perfectly on his own. Shitty teacher who doesn't know how to teach. He's gonna punch him if he sees him again.

"Hobi-hyung," he heard Jimin whine, making the rapper snap his attention to the two. "You don't have to practice anymore you're already doing the dance perfectly. He's just a sub, our real instructor loves how you put emotion into every step." He smiles and cards his fingers through the older's red hair.

Taehyung joins in as he approaches with water bottle in hand. "Yeah hyung. Don't listen to him. You actually almost fell down when you suddenly sped up." He plopped down beside his best friend and offered his water bottle, Jimin taking it and having a sip. Tae pats his back soothingly and reassuringly, smiling.

It pains the second eldest to admit it but those two, Jimin and Taehyung, are sweet as hell. They cuddle and carry each other around. They touch and smile like crazy when around each other. They fool around and play with Jungkook. What Yoongi's trying to say is that they're cute as fuck. That's all.

"Yah," he utters. Three heads turn to him. "Listen Hobi what you did out there was already perfection and it's the shitty teacher's fault for not seeing how amazing you were a while ago. I swear if I see him again next week and tells you off like today, I might not hold myself back and punch him with all my might." He shows his fist for emphasis, staring at it as though fascinated.

Jin speaks up this time. "Yoongi-ah, I know you're concerned about Hoseok's wellbeing-"

"- I'm not."

"- but I won't have you hitting a superior figure and getting filed a case," the eldest continued as though he wasn't cut off by the younger one. "We could get in trouble for that. Even though he's just a sub, we should still hold respect toward him since he's the professional and he knows what he's doing."

The rapper stands and points toward the door, remembering the instructor. "It's his damn fault for being blind and not seeing how tired he was."

"We all were," Jin consoled.

"He shouldn't have pushed him like that, that's my point," Yoongi tells his hyung heatedly, dropping his hand as his spirit does the same. "He's doing his best and the instructor suddenly tells him to go faster. Didn't you see he was about to fall?" His voice rose with every word and Jin still kept that calm face to try and calm down the younger's spur as well.

Hobi spoke. "Hyungs..."

The two eldest turn to him. He was sitting up now, and Yoongi could feel himself calm down to know the younger was still okay. "Stop arguing. It's fine. It's settled. You don't need to go beat up the instructor for telling me my weakness. That's how we learn right?" He smiles wider than the first, the sunshine coming back into the room.

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