I Don't Feel Fine Pt. 2

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Requested by my new chingu armynctzenikonic hope u enjoy!

Arghhh its bn so long since I last wrote here Im sorry.

There goes the happy kid once more. Nobody can miss him because his presence is so bright and loud.

He's flanked by his just-as-noisy best friend, the boy they call 4D. Oh look, they're running in the halls whooping some weird-ass language. The fuck is that?

Yoongi doesn't speak alien.

But then Hoseok stops, and Taeyung ultimately crashes on his back, sending them both toppling to the floor.

Why do those two adults have the brain of a three-year-old kid? It's mystifying the heck.

But he likes Hoseok, for some reason. Likes how his laugh can be heard from miles away. He notices also that his body just flops, his eyes shutting from the force of his smile.

Doesn't his cheeks hurt from all that smiling? Isn't it tiring?

So Yoongi took pleasure in observing the hyper duo, always keeping a close eye on Hoseok but making sure that he doesn't leave Taehyung hanging, becauss gosh that is one out-of-this-world kid. He can see how the pair became friends.

They need to be seen together to wreak havoc and cause chaos in this peaceful school.

They're rebels too.

They don't wear the school neckties, instead choosing to don ridiculous polka dot ones.

Yoongi shares Biology with 4D.

There was this one time when they were rechecking a test paper...

"Huh? Sir what's the real answer B or D? Bog?"

And the whole class, as well as the teacher, laughed their asses off.

Yoongi has to admit that he smiled at the hilarity. D is for dog, and B is for boy. B and D sound similar, but Taehyung managed to join both.

Oh look recess.


But then something didn't sit right in Yoongi's chest.

He's been feeling it for the whole day. He's not sick that's for sure.

So what's wrong?

His question was answered when he pushed open the double doors of the canteen.

It's quiet.

Not the real silent one, but there's peace and order, a complete opposite to the storm the hyper duo bring.

What's wrong?

His eyes zoom in on Hoseok's lone figure. For a second Yoongi had to stare at him just to be sure that the kid by the table and Hoseok with a bright smile was the same person, because the one sitting by himself had a gloomy atmosphere surrounding him. He can feel it radiating off in waves.

Why is he so sad?

So he talked to him, and Hoseok didn't know the reason why he's sad too.

Maybe he's sick? But Yoongi doesn't just go touching people's necks, especially someone who he's not close with.

So he left him with "See you around" and was gone before his best friend could reach them.

The next day he's surprised at the hailstorm that graced the school, for there was the hurricane duo that took the school by a whirlwind.

Yoongi smiles a bit, happy that Hoseok was his normal self.

Maybe yesterday was an off-day. Maybe his happiness was too much that he needed to feel the opposite emotion too.

But then Hoseok said "I like you" and Yoongi had to freeze in place as he left quickly.

Did that just happen?

It did, didn't it?

Gosh what was he to say?

So he decided to be a man and confess the things that Hoseok ought to know by writing a letter and slipping it in his locker.

That he did alright.

But he was so nervous.

After a couple days he approached the sunshine.

"You got my letter?"

Hoseok squeaked. His figure emanated nervous energy.

"Uh y- yeah." He giggles, but it's not natural. "Thanks for that. I didn't know you felt that way."

"Well now you do."

There's an awkward silence.


Hoseok looks at him curiously.

Yoongi swallows and tries a second time.

"You wanna try out dating? With me?"

Hoseok smiles, and in that smile, tension and nervousness from both boys seep out their bodies.

"I'd love to."

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