Battlefield of Love and War

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Maybe if I said something back then, we wouldn't be here now.

Maybe if we didn't live in a world,

Where the louder the scream the more right you are

Where hurting people with words,

Hurts and lasts longer.

Then getting shot by the ones you love.

Maybe growing up in different homes,

Feeling different pains wouldn't have brought us closer.

Where it's killed or be killed.

In a fight of the fittest, that I wouldn't have thought about being right.

Where a families screaming can result in the darkest of blood

The chains of life only becoming more and more corrupt

Can people who are broken still love when their hearts shut others out in fear of pain

Maybe just maybe words can be words again,

Instead of just ammunition for war.

Can we be kids anymore with the threat over our head?

Maybe we can still talk without hatred in our voice.

As darkness rains down upon the happy,

Those lucky being shielded by friends who are already lost the fight.

Maybe those who scream,

Cry and clutch themselves tight in the darkness of their room

Wishing one day that the darkness

May grant them a piece of light.

Though touching a light of such

May corrupt it just as much

Push away any light

Push me away into the darkness

Only the shallow soul knows how much pain can be brought from love.

Their lips and eyes how they shine so bright.

Shining down compared to someone like a black hole  

Love is something that can be forgotten

Can be one's own damnation

Reach out and touch the light then everything is red

Red with war stains soon to come

Where the life of I and you cross and you see the darkness on my battlefield

My eyes cold, unfeeling as tears roll down them.

A beat from an unknown organ that hammers against my chest.

Your eyes across the battlefield

Tears stained as I watch you harden against my every attack

Soon I am the general of an army I never wanted

The tall darkness listens to my orders and I won our war against one another.

I take my gun from its hoster as the darkness around me screams

Aiming at your face as you beg me to stop the war once again to see the light

Pausing I watch tears stream down your face, as you watch me aim lower

The last of your light is in the bullets grasp.

It's hammering against my ribs harder now as it screams out your name

Oh how if I said something back then, we wouldn't be here

On the grounds of war and love.

Love gave up on itself and the heart beats to a stop

Cocking the gun's hammer back, a deep breath follows my lip

Love can be one's own damnation I tell myself a gasp in a feeling of pain

Raising the gun a final time

Pulling the trigger against my own heart,

As darkness splatters the field once again with the stain of red

Hurting you was never my intention.

As I fall to the ground I smile.


Maybe in a world where screaming wasn't how you got your voice heard.

And words were just words

The darkness wouldn't have won

And maybe

Just maybe

If I had said something before, I wouldn't be here right now.

Without a heart.

Or a light.

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