Chapter Twelve: The Friend

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Saphronia's P.O.V.:
Callum wakes up and leaves the room. I hear him move; I couldn't sleep very well because I'm really nervous about that new guy coming. His bed was really comfortable, but my nerves were too much on end.
Footsteps down the hallway bring me back to focus. Could be Callum's or someone else... I'm still not even dressed yet. I close my eyes and hear the door open. "Wow Callum, you did good." I hear a new voice say. "Even if you paid for her, loser." I hear him laugh a bit. "No, I'm waking her up now, she has a long day ahead of her. Callum, I have my own pet at home, I don't need yours... especially if she's been bought." He teases Callum. Does that mean he's kidnapped another girl? That poor woman...
I feel a tap on my shoulder. Then a light shake. I'm so scared to move right now. He starts taking off the blanket and I sit up and quickly move into the back corner. He seems startled to know that I was awake. He has a phone to his ear and his hand still holds the blanket. "I'll give this to her." He nods, handing me the phone. "Here sweetie, take it." He smiles.
I gingerly take the phone, careful not to touch him. "H-Hello Sir?" I say into it quietly. "Good girl, now I wanted to make sure you remembered what I said last night, do you?" He asks. "Y-yes sir" I answer quietly. "What was it?" I look away from the mystery man. "I.... I have to listen to Mr. Ortiz, and do as he asks, sir." I answer. "Yes, Seth will be with you today, but he will not touch you inappropriately, nor is he to carry out larger punishments. If you do not behave you will be left in the cage until I return, then your punishment really starts; Do you understand?" He asks me. Seth raises his eyebrow and crosses his arms. Can he hear Callum?
"Saphronia, I expect an answer from you." Callum says impatiently. "Yes sir, I understand." I say quietly. "Good girl, I have to go now, hand the phone to Seth please." I hand him the phone hesitantly. He takes it and says goodbye to Callum.
"Hello honey, I'm Seth. You can call me Sir or Master Seth. Let's get you up huh?" He says to me. He doesn't seem mean, but he still has a tone that makes me feel like that wasn't a choice. Or rather, it would end in me being taken to the basement. I nod and say "y-yes Sir." He steps back a bit so I can get up.
Once I'm standing, I don't move. Who knows how this guy is? "Kneel by the door, and I'll take you to the bathroom." He says firmly. I look up at him. "S-sir?" He looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Is there an issue?" He asks. "N-no.... I mean...." I look down. "I don't know what kneel means... but if you tell me I'll do it...I swear sir." I add at the end. I don't want to disobey, I just don't understand the terminology they all use.
He looks at his phone and scrolls. I stand quietly. "Here, do you see how she's sitting on her knees? That's called Kneel position. Callum said he taught you that yesterday." I nod. "Yes sir, but he didn't call it anything. He actually didn't say anything... he pointed to the floor." He seems confused.
"Those are called silent commands. He was using those already?" I nod, but then correct myself by saying "yes sir." He smiles. "You're such a good, bright little girl." He pats my head and I back away a bit. "Alright, you understand the command, now carry it out please." He tells me. I go sit the way Callum taught me. Seth smiles and we go through the same process as yesterday.
Only this time when I go in I say. "Yesterday, I forgot to ask to close and lock the door, and turn on the water..." I say. "Can I do that today please?" I ask. "Ask me properly and you MAY" He says winking after putting emphasis on the may. "May I Please close the door, lock it, and turn on the sink?" I ask. "You're close honey, but you've forgot one thing." I sigh getting a bit frustrated. "Saphronia, no attitude." He reminds me. "Sorry sir." I answer. That's it.... what I forgot. I try one more time. "Sir, May I please close the door, lock it, and turn on the sink?"
He smiles and claps. "Good girl, good job." After a minute, he says yes to my question and I use the restroom. Once done, I come out and kneel on the floor. I look down away from him and he lightly pulls my chin up. "May I ask you a question?" He says looking at me. "Y-yes Sir?" I answer. "Be honest, why are you behaving so fast? I mean it's not like he's punished you quite yet. You've only seen his playroom..." He says quietly.
"With all due respect sir, just because I haven't been, doesn't mean I want to be." I answer quietly. "I'm glad. It makes my job easier." He smiles. "Now, I want you to go back to the room, and make the bed." He tells me. I nod and go back. Once the bed is made (and Callum's sleeping bag is put away) he pulls me into the room that is supposed to be mine.
He goes through some drawers and picks out some clothes for me. There's a skirt, off the shoulder shirt, black plain thigh high socks and underclothes that match. (Pic in description, except for socks, I forgot.) I then brush through my hair and put it into a cute messy ponytail, and he hands me some heeled boots to wear. After putting them on, he makes me turn and puts on a new choker. He takes a look at me, dressed for the day. I uncomfortably cross my arms in front of my chest and he chuckles.
He then makes me start cleaning. It was more uncomfortable because I would have to bend down and if I bent at my knees he'd make me drop whatever I had and pick it up again, bending with my back instead. After a while of this I get annoyed. He drops something else and I look at him.
"Come On Sweetheart, pick it up." He coaxes me. "No thank you sir." I answer, turning away from him to go do something else. He grabs my arm, and pulls me lightly back to where I was. "Saphronia, this wasn't a choice." He said frowning a bit. "I know you're getting tired and irritated with this routine, but it's part of your training to keep listening even when you're angry. That's why I keep doing this." He answers.
I sigh. "It's annoying and the fact that you make me bend so uncomfortably makes it worse. My back is starting to hurt from doing this all day." I answer. "Okay, since you're new, do this last one and I won't do it anymore. You'll just finish cleaning." He answers. "Although, you forgot something in your last statement Saphronia." He reminds me. "Sorry sir, I didn't mean t-" He smiles and says it's alright. I pick up the thing he dropped and continue to clean. I get the occasional "you missed a spot" or "very good girl." But otherwise he doesn't really say anything other than orders. He watches me intently and it's kind of annoying too because I'm doing all this work and he's just standing there.
Eventually the house is clean after a few hours. He then takes me to the kitchen and tells me to start making dinner. "I don't know what to make....I'm honestly not a good cook sir." I answer him. "Make anything you'd like. Just start cooking." He answers. I look around the kitchen and pull out some ingredients for a dish my family used to make. It's simple, chicken breast, cheese, noodles, peas, and some chicken broth. We called it "Chicken Noodlie cheesy stuff" but it's really just a casserole. My family was funny like that.
When dinner is ready he has me cover it all up and go upstairs to re-get ready for when Callum will be home. He tells me to take a shower and get dressed in the same clothes again, and that there's makeup in the drawer in the bathroom cabinet. I'm only to wear minimal makeup, eyeshadow, liner and mascara. Nothing on my lips. No blush.
I don't really wear any of this type of stuff anyway, so I'm pretty happy with the minimal makeup rule. I come out and my hair is still drying. Seth calls me back downstairs and helps me make an alcoholic drink for Callum. He checks his watch and pushes me towards the door with it. I'm not to spill. As soon as I'm at the door, Callum comes through at exactly 6:45. He looks at me, then at Seth.
"Good girl Saph." He tells me smiling. He pats my head and takes the drink. I follow them to the dining room and plate the reheated food I made for them. I go to set it down in front of Seth and he frowns. "Saphronia, you didn't ask to serve me." I look at him confused. I'm supposed to ask? He places the food back into my hand and says "ask if it's okay to serve me, use the sentence structure I taught you earlier."

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