Chap. 1

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The orbit around the green planet ascended in pace.
The boosters flashed as full thrust launched the ship from the planet's gravity.
It pulled away from the huge, green, gas planet and flew away, disappearing amongst the astriod belt.
"Well, that was a tough mission."
Lance sighed, inside the ship.
Shiro nodded, a thoughtful look masking his tiredness.
"Yes, I think we all deserve some rest right now."
Hunk lightened and Pidge straightened up in her small chair.
The ship dodged some stray astriods and dipped into view of the castle, which lingered at the end of the sea of rocks.
The ship flew up to the castle and attached itself to the airway.
Inside the ship, the door opened, and light seeped through.
Allura stood there, hands on her hips.
"Well done paladins. You did a very good job."
Lance stretched up and winked "Anything for you princess."
Allura's smile vanished.
"Anyway, I think we should take a look at the substance I found."
Pidge interrupted.
"Yeah- you found it whilst we were fighting those Galra ships. You didn't help one bit!" Lance
Pidge rolled her eyes, her glasses luminous from the ship's bright lights. She stood up from her pilot chair and scuttled to her big rucksack. Pidge dived her arms into the bag and searched around for something while everyone waited patiently.
"Ok... I found this cute thing in one of those planet's caves."
Pidge took out a sampling box and opened to everyone so they could admire.
"Cute? You call that cute!" Lance squealed as he caught sight of the contents of the sampling box.
Pidge ignored him and took out the 'thing'.
It was a small blob of purple goo.
It wobbled as Pidge stood up from her kneeling position.
"I'm not too sure what this thing is. I'm going to go into the testing room if anyone else wants to come."

No one volunteered.

"I guess Coran could come." Pidge mumbled.
Shiro smiled weakly and ruffled Pidge's fluffy hair, "Come on now. We should go get some food first."
Allura nodded, "Good thinking. Come on everybody. "
Lance, Pidge, Hunk and Shiro followed Allura out of the ship, through the airlock and into the main controlling room of the castle.
In the main controlling room, sat Coran and Keith, on the floor.
Coran was looking very confused, whilst Keith was... grinning?
"Well well well, what do we have here?" Lance sang, hiding his amusement.
Keith jumped and his smile faded quickly, while Coran's smile brightened. "Well hello!" Coran began. "Keith here has been teaching me the Earth game called Uno."
Everyone was lost for words as Keith stared at the ground.
Hunk piped up first, "Galra Keith is fun, guys!"
Keith glared at him, but Coran interrupted before Keith could deny it. "He wished you guys were here, aparantly it's better with more people."
Keith appeared to be choking as the other paladins laughed. "Keith? Seriously? Wishing for my presence? " Lance giggled.
Keith crossed his arms, and grumbled. "I wanted to come on that mission. It's still unfair how I couldn't come."
Shiro's nose twitched, and he sighed. "Don't doubt my decision, Keith. I didn't choose you to come as it was a training exercise, and all you've been doing this week is training. You deserved some rest."
Keith sighed, his hands falling to his sides, "Thanks- i guess-Shiro."
Shiro exhaled loudly, before dismissing everyone with a wave of his hand. "Go have some free time." And with that, everyone bolted away.

Pidge's POV.

The testing room was dark.
I reached up to turn the light on, and once again I cursed my small arms.
The sampling box I was clutching, slipped as I walked in.
It fell slowly to the ground, and the box shattered loudly.
I groaned, and leaned to pick up the goo. But I froze.
The goo was oozing out the broken box, and it was emitting a purple gas.
What is this?
I quickly walked to put some rubber gloves on and returned back to the goo.
I picked it up.
The purple gas swirled around me, dancing in the air. It twirled around my eyes and around my nose. Time slowed down as I took a deep breath, inhaling the gas. The gas was sucked into my lungs, and the remnants floated into my eyes, staining my glasses.
I screached.
My eyes stung badly, I clutched my stomach and bent over. The gas stung my lungs and my nose felt like it was on fire.
Pain rippled through my body, as I fell to the ground.
My throat felt scratched, and I screamed until I could scream no more. Only gasps, barely audible, filled the silent room. But the only thing I could think of was about everyone else.
Please, close the door. Put on an automatic shut down. These chemicals are hazardous. I need to keep everyone safe, it's all my fault...
I rebelled against the pain, and rose from the ground.
I was still blinded, but I could feel myself across the room.
Until I found it.
The recognisable rectangular automatic shut down button.
I wheezed in another painful breath, before slamming down the button.

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