Chapter 1-a new begining

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SilverWing padded through the twoleg place. 'Where am I supposed to go now?' She thought sadly. She came across a building that appeared to have been abandoned and taken over by the cats that lived in the city. She approached the twoleg's nest slowly, looking for any signs of hostility in the other cats. She was walking when she walked into one of the cats. "S...sorry!" She stuttered nervously. The cream tom looked at her. "It's ok" he mewed trying to hold back a giggle. "I'm Gaia" the tom said calmly. "Oh well it's nice to meet you Gaia. I'm SilverWing" SilverWing replied. "Interesting name" Gaia mewed with a laugh. SilverWing flicked her tail in embarrassment and annoyance. "Oh I don't mean anything by it. It suits you" Gaia mewed quickly noticing her annoyance.

Suddenly, a honey coloured she cat came over. "Hi Gaia. Who's the new cat?" She asked. "I'm SilverWing" SilverWing mewed. "Well I'm Honey" the she cat responded. "You must be new here". SilverWing nodded. Honey turned around "then let me show you around Silver" she mewed cheerfully. The three cats walked around together as Honey showed SilverWing around the twolegs nest.

After, Honey turned to speak to her again. "And that's the territory" she finished. "What do you thi-". Honey froze and was looking at a scratch SilverWing had gotten earlier. "What happened?" She asked. SilverWing looked at her confused but then realised what she meant. "Oh I caught my shoulder on a thorn earlier. Don't worry I'm fine." SilverWing assured the she cat. Honey didn't listen. "Hold on. I think I have some herbs I can use to help" she mewed before padding behind a crate. "Honey always seems to know what she needs when someone is sick or injured" Gaia mewed. "She's like a medicine cat then?" SilverWing mewed. Gaia gave her a confused look. "What's a medicine cat?" He asked. SilverWing was about to answer when Honey came back with some herbs and applied the poultice to the scratch. "There that'll stop it getting infected." Honey mewed. SilverWing nodded thanks to Honey. "You know what." SilverWing mewed to the two cats. "I'm going to create my own clan. Do you two want to join me?"  Honey and Gaia looked at each other  in confusion. "What's a clan?" Honey asked. "A clan is where a group of cats work together to hunt and defend their territory" SilverWing explained. "There is the leader who is in charge of the clan, the deputy who helps lead the clan and becomes the leader when the leader dies. There are the warriors and apprentices who help protect the clan. There are elders who have served the clan and are two old or injured to continue serving the clan and then there are the kits and queens and the medicine cat that heals others." SilverWing finished. Honey and Gaia looked in amazement at her. "That sounds amazing. Of course we'll join you" Honey mewed enthusiastically. "Will we have clan names like yours?" Gaia asked. "Only if you want one" SilverWing replied. "Honey, you could be the medicine cat since you know how to use herbs so well" she mewed. Honey nodded "and you'll be the leader I guess" Gaia mewed. SilverWing looked at him. "I...I guess I will" she mewed. The three cats discussed their plans until sun down and then they fell asleep together by the abandoned twoleg nest.

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