Chapter 3-scoping the territory

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Gaia woke up to see the other cats gathered around SilverWing. He quickly got to his paws and went to join them. " I'd like Gaia and Lake to start searching the territory and see where we should place the border markers" SilverWing mewed as Gaia padded up. "Dawn and Dusk, your job will be to hunt for the clan today. Lilly, I'd like you to help Honey with herbs." She finished. Everyone nodded and set about their tasks. Gaia walked up to Lake. "We'd better get started if we're going to make it around the territory by nightfall."Lake mewed. Gaia nodded "why don't we start at the abandoned twoleg place. We'll need a border there to stop rogues from entering the territory" he explained. Lake lashed his tail. "I'm in charge of this patrol and I say we go around the other way to see what we can find" he hissed. Gaia was surprised by the hostility coming from Lake. "Ok...." Gaia mewed a little crestfallen now that his idea had been turned down so harshly. Lake padded away and Gaia bounded after him.

The two cats came across a forest area. "This'll make a good border." Lake decided. "The meadow should be all the territory we need." Lake left a scent marker and continued to travel around the meadow. Eventually, they reached the border with the abandoned twoleg place. When they arrived, a grey she cat and a brown tom were looking around. Gaia padded over to them. "Hi Patch.  Hi Cinder. What are you two doing here?" He asked. Lake hissed at the two cats. "Why are you in my territory?" Gaia flicked his tail in annoyance. "Lake," He mewed calmly "first, it is not your territory. It is Silverclan's territory. And secondly, these two are our friends so calm down!" He hissed before turning back to Patch and Cinder. Lake hissed and lashed his tail in irritation. Patch looked at Gaia. "We heard about this clan that was being made and decided to see if we could join." The brown tom explained. "So can we join?" The grey she cat asked. "We'll have to ask SilverWing first" Gaia mewed. "She's our clan leader". Cinder nodded. "Let's go then" she mewed cheerily. Gaia nodded and led the two back to camp. Lake padded behind them, lashing his tail in annoyance.

When they arrived at camp, SilverWing padded over to meet them. "Who are these two?" She asked looking at Patch and Cinder. "This is Patch" Gaia mewed pointing to the brown Tom with his tail. "And that's Cinder. They said they want to join the clan." He finished. SilverWing looked at the two cats. "Why not. This clan could do with a couple more warriors." She mewed. "Welcome to the clan. You'll meet the other members when they get back from their missions" she mewed before turned around to sit back down.

It was about sun down when the other cats returned. SilverWing greeted them with a purr. "We have two cats here that wish to join the clan." She announced when the clan was settled. "Patch and Cinder have come and I will allow them to join." The clan cheered for the two new cats but Gaia noticed that Lake wasn't cheering. Once the yowls died down, SilverWing spoke again. "This meadow will do fine to support our clan. Tomorrow we will start to look for someway to communicate with starclan. Meeting dismissed." She jumped down from the Tall Cliff and sat down in her makeshift den. Most cats congratulated Patch and Cinder for being accepted into the clan. However, Gaia noticed that once again, Lake didn't say a word to them. As the cats settled down for the night, Lake and Lilly slept away from the other clan cats. Where as everyone else slept close together for warmth and Honey lay down in the hollow she had made her den. She sighed and looked up at the stars. "I hope I can meet you soon" Honey mewed before resting her head and falling asleep.

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