Chapter 5-Dusk's in charge

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SilverWing sat watching her clan proudly. "Cats of the clan, gather here beneath the high stump for a clan meeting!" She called, settling herself on the tree stump. The cats padded over to join her. Lake sat at the back with Lilly by his side. Cinder and Patch sat close to the front, with Gaia, Dusk and Dawn nearby. Honey sat beside Sandy and looked up at her leader. "It is time we started looking for a way to speak with starclan." SilverWing announced. "Does anyone have any ideas on where to start?" She asked the group of cats in front of her. Dawn stood up. "There is a cave near the forest area. We could try there." She suggested. SilverWing nodded. "Sounds like a good place to start. Dawn, will you guide us there?" She asked. Dawn dipped her head. "Of course." She mewed. "Ok. Dusk, I'd like you, Lilly, Sandy and Lake to stay and defend camp while we're gone." SilverWing mewed. Lake stood. "Who's gonna be in charge?" He asked. SilverWing shot him a glance. "That will be Dusk as she was part of a clan once and will know how a clan is run the best. I'm sure you can do that." She added to Dusk who simply dipped her head. "Everyone else eat something and meet me by the entrance. We leave when everyone is ready."

Everyone broke off from the meeting and got to their jobs. Soon the patrol was ready to leave. "Alright Dawn, lead the way. Gaia, stay near the back and make sure no one falls behind." SilverWing mewed. Gaia nodded and fell into the back of the group. Soon they were out of sight.

Dusk took a deep breath and turned to the three cats she was left with. "Ok. We need prey." She mewed, trying to sound more confident than she felt. "Could you go hunting please Sandy?" She asked. Sandy nodded. "Of course Dusk!" She mewed cheerfully, giving the shecat a reassuring glance. She dashed out of camp. Dusk turned to Lake. "I'm going to do a quick border check. Can you and Lilly stay here and defend the camp. Lake rolled his eyes. Lilly nodded. "Ok Dusk." She mewed. Dusk nodded her thanks to the shecat before leaving the camp to check the borders.

After a while, Dusk returned to the camp to find it empty. "Lake?! Lilly?!" She called. The camp seemed undamaged so it was unlikely that they had been attacked but the two cats were nowhere in sight. Dusk was just about to leave camp and go look for them when Sandy returned. "Sandy! Have you seen Lake or Lilly?!" She asked worriedly. Sandy shook her head. "No I haven't. Sorry." Sandy replied. "C'mon, I'll help you look for them." She mewed. "Thanks." Dusk mewed gratefully.

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