Chapter 16

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AN: The Finale



James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, and Sirius Black were found locked in the Gryffindor boy's dormitories by a screaming Peter Pettigrew.

"Are you out of your minds? I mean you are. Don't answer that! What do you have to say for yourselves, going on an adventure and leaving me out of it! Wait, what kind of adventure did you go on if you've been locked in this room for a week? And it's Christmas! What are your parents going to do?" Peter yelled.

"Hey calm down Pete, you didn't miss anything," James said, "Actually  does anyone know how we got here?" 

The Marauders tried to figure out what was going on. They went to McGonagall, but she didn't know. Eventually they gave up, and celebrated Christmas at Hogwarts together before parting ways to go go home for the holidays. It was Christmas after all.



Molly Weasley woke up early on Christmas morning, making sure everything was ready for the big day. Christmas was one of the biggest Weasley holidays of the year. She looked at the table, and wondered why there were so many extra chairs. Usually there were about 20 for Christmas, but this time there were like 35. She assumed it was one of the twins's pranks, and put away the extras. In a couple of hours, the boys and Ginny  would be awake, and later the guests would arrive for dinner. She had to get the Burrow ready. It was Christmas after all. 



Harry was the last one to get back to 2020. It was late on Christmas Eve. The rest of his nieces and nephews and their parents went home to their respective houses, only to return to the Burrow for Christmas Dinner hours later. Harry apparated back to Potter Cottage with his kids to find his wife waiting not so patiently. Lily and Al immediately went to hug their mother. James looked awkward.

"Okay, James?" Harry asked his son.

"No, Mum probably hates me even more now," James said.

"She doesn't hate you. Period."


"James," Harry said, "Everyone makes mistakes, some just make more than others. Did you mean to send everyone back in time?"


"Then what are you worried about?"

James walked over to where his mother was standing and Ginny looked him in the eyes. James shrunk under his mother's glare.

"Let me guess," Ginnysaid to her son, "You didn't go looking for trouble."

"Yeah, trouble usually finds me," James smiled, "I'm sorry, Mum."

"Forgiven," Ginny said, "Now tell me all about your adventures to the  past."

The Potters talked and talked. The kids asked questions of their parents, and Ginny asked about her family in the past. The told about the quidditch game, and their classes, and everything until the clock stuck midnight. No one noticed how late it has gotten, but it didn't matter, they were together. Wasn't that what the holidays were for? It was Christmas after all.


AN: And..... we're done here. That's the end of my first story! Please leave reviews on how you thought it was, they are always great to hear! Thanks for making it all the way to the end with me! I'm done now 

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