Chapter 13

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AN: I'm back!

Disclaimer: Harry Potter is not mine



The adult Wesley children, their spouses, and Molly and Arthur sat around the dining table at the Burrow, wondering what to do about their missing children. There was tension in the air, and the Weasley brothers were giving Harry some pointed looks, even tough they knew it really wasn't his fault, it was just easier to blame someone. Harry knew this, being Head Auror and ignored them. He was more focused on getting his kids back. Finally, he stood up and broke the silence, "I'm leaving. I can't just sit here while my children are stuck in the past."

Harry walked out the door and apparated with a pop

The rest of the family was confused, but they knew that Harry had a 'hero complex,' as Hermione once had called it. Ginny was worried her husband was going to do something stupid or noble. Or both. She followed him outside, only to see him disappear. Ginny apparated back home to Potter Cottage, but she found it empty. She went to his office, and asked the few people who were still there. No one had seen him. She even sent a patronus to McGonagall, who replied that Harry was not at Hogwarts. She knew he wouldn't go to Hogsmead or Diagon Alley, there were too many people there. She then realized there was one place she hadn't gone. She turned with a pop.

Ginny walked through the cemetery at Godric's Hollow. It looked empty, but she heard a faint whimpering coming from two small headstones. 

"Harry," she called out, walking toward the gravestones of Lily and James Potter, "it's just me."

She grabbed at seemingly nothing, but in front of her was Harry Potter, "Gin," he said in almost a whisper.

"Hey, you," she said softly with a small smile, "you had us all worried. Especially me. I can't lose my kids and my husband now, can I?"

"I'm sorry, Gin," Harry said with tears rolling down his face. His usually bright green eyes seemed dull, and they looked like he hadn't slept for a week. His unruly jet-black hair was matted and tangled. His beard had started to grow out. He looked thin, and he looked older. 

"Har-" Ginny started.

"No, Gin, just say it," Harry Potter, the savior of the wizard it world, looked like he could die right now, "I'm a terrible father. I should have died when I had the chance."

"Harry James Potter! Never say that! If you would have died that day, so would've I. And, you are not a terrible father. Look at our kids. Sure, James can be a troublemaker, Al can be snappy, and Lily can shut people out, but they all just want to be like their dad. They love you. They love Harry Potter, their dad, not Harry Potter, the boy who lived. They love the man who taught them how to fly a broom, the man who bought them their own owl, the man who helped them with their homework, the man who gets them out of trouble, the man who gives them extra biscuits, the man who is kind and caring, and his greatest power is love. They don't care how the rest of the world feels about them, as long as they have their dad's approval, they're okay. Teddy has grown up to be a fantastic young man, just like his parents and his godfather. Your parents are proud of you. The Weasley's are proud of you. Ted, James, Al, and Lily are proud of you. I'm proud of you," Ginny scolded. Harry looked up into the chocolate brown eyes that he fell in love with more and more every day. They had tears forming in them. Harry wiped the tears from Ginny's eyes. 

"They'll be ok, right?" Harry asked.

"I'm sure they are. They're with my family, remember? Molly Weasley would never turn down children, especially ones that look like her favorite child," Ginny joked, remembering how she and her brothers always said that Harry was their mother's favorite child.

Harry smiled, "Let's go home." He conjured two white lilies, and laid them on his parents' graves. He let Ginny take his arm, and the apparated back to Potter Cottage.


AN: Short chapter, I know. I wanted to put a scene in that showed the vulnerability of Harry, and the imporatance of his family. Plus, I like to think that Ginny is the only person who can calm him down, and honestly she is my favorite character. (The movies ruined her character).

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