Night Six

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I couldn't sleep.It wasn't possible.He just fucking left.I kissed him for the second time in a row and he just leaves like nothing ever happened?I don't even understand why I care!
To make matters worse,he's barely talked to me since.It's only been two days and we just started really talking six days ago,so how was it possible that I missed him this much?
I just miss him in general.I miss him being annoying.I miss him being an asshole.I miss him being sweet.I miss him!Why?
I knew my mind wouldn't let me sleep until I figured this out.I rolled out of bed and marched over to the boys cabin.Before I could bring my fist to the door I heard Calum whisper-shout my name.His door was wide open so he had seen me walk up in the dark.
"He's not in there."
Calum said plainly.
"Well then where the hell is he?"
"Dafuq if I know."
Calum replied with a shrug.I sighed and opened the door to the cabin.I didn't really expect the boys to be sleeping.
They were all planning a prank for Michael.He had fallen asleep on the floor,so they were trying to plan something for when he woke up.I recognized a little boy,who reminded me a lot of Calum,named Dani.I pulled him to the side hoping he knew where Luke was.This kid seemed to always know everything about everybody.
"Not really sure,babes.He sneaks out during random periods of the night to go somewhere.The camp isn't that big,so shouldn't be hard to find."
I thanked him and hurriedly headed out the door before backing up.
"Just so you guys know,Michael can't stand when his sheet comes off the bed.It drives him nuts."
I said with a wink and left.As I was leaving I heard someone,who I guessed was Dani,scream "Thanks,Babes!"
I chuckled and began my search for Hemmings.
I searched the shops,activity centers,the pool;I looked everywhere!I still couldn't find him.The only place I hadn't looked was the woods.I knew he probably wasn't there,since the only thing in the the woods was the lake,but it was worth a try.Even if I didn't find Luke,it'd be nice to take a walk to clear my head.
My walk was pretty peaceful.Then I saw a shadow ahead of me.I cautiously inched towards it,curious of what it was.My silence was ruined when I stepped on a branch.As if he already knew I was coming,he slightly tilted his head and whispered,
I jumped a little before calming myself.
"What are you doing out here?"
Instead of answering me,Luke procceded to walk deeper into the woods.The trees were thickening meaning the light was disappearing.It became harder to see and I started to stumble.Luke must of noticed I was wobbling around because he stopped long enough for me to catch up.Then he hunched over.I thought about it for a moment and then hopped on his back.I tried my best not to choke him,yet hold on tight enough not to fall.
Soon enough,he halted and let me slide off his back.Once my eyes adjusted I observed the area.There was a tire swing to my right and a wooden swing next to me.I looked down and saw Luke sprawled out on the swing motioning me to join him.I hesitantly laid down next to him,or on him,and he chuckled.
"The same thing you are."
He said,his voice a bit croaky.Had he been crying?Somehow I knew he was finally answering my question.
"Isn't it beautiful?"
I nodded,joining his gazing of the stars.The rest of the night was a blur.I remembered me and Luke talking about how he always came out here to think and him telling me I was beautiful.That was one of the last things I heard him say as I fell asleep.
I'm sorry about this crappy chapter.It's late at night,but I figured I needed to update.It was pretty much suppose to be a filler anyway,because this night had to happen before I could get to the good stuff.It gets better.I promise!

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