『Chapter 5』Do I?

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It was instinctive, the way I fell for you. Like an effortless intake of breath.


Walking to school, drinking coffee as usual. Right when I was close to the gates many reporters ran towards me and started asking questions.

"How is school with All Might?" They asked.

I don't want my face on TV so I answered quickly. "It's Good." I respond trying to walk away but they wouldn't move.

"Can you give us a little more detail?" They shoved microphones in my face and cameras.

My black hair caught red fire. The over oxygenated flames made my hair flow in the wind. It made me look scarier than I was so it made the reporters back away and leave me alone.
The fire stops and I comb my hair. "Good day."


"Let's get down to business. Our first task will decide your future." Aizawa spoke.

We all got anxious of what task that could be. There's always some hardcore shit to do these days at UA.

"You all need to pick a class representative"

Oh. It wasn't that bad.

"Pick me guys. I wanna be class rep!" Eijiro suggested.

"I'll take it" Denki raised his hand.

Everyone started going noisy and crazy. I definitely didn't want to be class rep, requires too much effort.

Tenya came up with a great idea, choose a class rep
I voted for myself since I already know nobody voted for me and I didn't want to choose between 20 students.

The results were good, Izuku won alongside Momo as deputy.

At lunch, obviously, I was sitting with Tenya, Midoriya, and Ochaco.
I ate an ordinary bento alongside water. Tenya was telling us about how rich he is, Izuku was fanboying. The usual crap.
I sit with them and yet I never find anything to day to them. I can't contribute to the conversation for some reason. I ended up in their friend group and yet I don't clicl with them.

All of a sudden a bell rung.
Loud and bone rattling.

"Warning level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate the building in a orderly fashion."

"A security breach?" I ask out loud.

Some people started running, which made other people run. Cluster panic rose up.

The three of us decided to follow instructions and exit the building.

Problem was that the hall to exit was crowded with students. It looked like a Billie Eilish concert. Or when Harry Styles exists, everyone panics.

People pushed each other and I was getting shoved further to the window. I couldn't do anything about it because I didn't get the chance.
Once I reached the window, my chest was pressed against the glass.

Outside, reporters were inside school grounds. Yes, you read that right. Inside.
The teachers were holding them off.

'Security breach...they got in. Oh, it's just the reporters?'

Some rando held me down harder against the window. "What the fuck." I saw the male's hands find support on the glass.
It made me very uncomfortable. I undertood maybe there wasn't space but I could feel their torso against my skirt.
I wanted to know who the person with the audacity was so I turned around.

It was Bakugo.

When I twisted my body to face my classmate, he was shoved onto me.
His right knee ended in between my thighs. His arms were in both sides of my head and his head was to the right side of my neck.

I was confused and disgusted at the same time, "What are you doing?"

"Shut up." Bakugo responds. "You think it's on purpose? These idiots are pushing too hard."
Bakugo back kicked the people pushing him against the window. He really did seem to be struggling.

I stayed silent. No need to make things harder for him.

Finally , Iida yelled and that caused us to snap out of it. Bakugo moved to the side. Iida was loud and clear in what was happening and everyone calmed down.

After that was done Bakugo and I did not talk about it. At all.
Avoided eye contact like a couple of kindergarteners.

We were back in our classroom and Midoriya nominated Tenya to be our class rep because of how he handled the situation. I couldn't care less, but my mind was driving back on what happen between Bakugo and I. Part me of wanted to just lick the side of his face when he was so close to my neck and the other part of me wanted to slap him for making me feel like that. Then I wanted to slap myself for thinking about it. Bakugo probably already did so there was no point in me dwelling on it.

Katsuki POV

Y/n probably thinks I'm into her or something.
It's not my fault we got pushed together.
But is she into me now?
No, she probably doesn't even care. What the fuck am I even thinking about.
I Don't like her either.

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