『Chapter 26』Son of a blade

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We tried to fight Mirio at the Gym Gamma but it was useless. And by we, I mean everyone except for me.

I saw how nobody could even land a hit on him so I decided to not even try. Why would I wanna get punched in the gut on purpose?

His quirk is Permeation. He can pass through anything when he activates his quirk. So he was phasing through everything and everyone.

The next day, Katsuki could finally come to class. He was frustrated that he didn't know what the fuck was going on about the internships.

During the weekend, Katsuki and Shoto had to do extra provisional licensing training. So they left, Izuku left for an Internship Interview with this guy named Sir Night Eye.

Now, Monday Morning. I wasn't at school, nor was Eijiro,Tsuyu,Tamaki and Ochaco. We where at our internships. I actually got a request from Fat Gum and I accepted it.
Eijiro and Tamaki are with him too.

"So yeah. We might need you guys for a certain job." Fat Gum says as the three of us follow behind him.

It was night, we where walking around the city just to keep watch of any criminals.

"Certain job?" I ask.

"Its All Might's former side kick's team up request. It's a big job to investigate or trap the villain gang known as The Eightfold Cleansers, they might be forming a partnership with the Villain Alliance." He said.

"Oh. Sounds serious. I like that." Eijiro comments.

'What? Are you serious? Tomura what are you doing?'

Thoughts race through my head. I get that they are villains and all but, they might get killed if they choose the wrong partnership. Why would they even want partnership with anyone?
Well for more power i think.

"A FIGHT! SOMEBODY HELP!" Someone screamed.

The four of us quickly approached the owner of the cry for help. Some kind of reckless villains where trying to run away.

Fat Gum expanded and made the villains stop in their tracks. One of the villains tried to use their quirk to get away but Tamaki used his quirk. Which is Reappearance, he can manifest the characteristics of the things he eats. He used his octopus tentacles to restrain the villain and his clam hand to knock him to the ground.

"Good Job!" Kirishima compliments Amajiki.

Man, he was definitely a rookie villain. I could have done way better than that.

A crowd was formed from the civilians because they are noisy people. A gun was cocked and a bullet was released.

It struck Tamaki in the shoulder. I looked around and saw that this guy who seemed sleep deprived had the gun. I was about to chase him before he ran away but another gunshot was heard.

I looked at Eijiro and he was struck too but it bounced off his head.

"Oh now you have done it. You stupid rookie." I said angrily.

Eijiro dashed towards him and I heard something unbelievable.

"My quirk won't activate!" Tamaki said extending his arm attempting to activate his quirk.

'A quirk erasure? I have never heard of such a thing. That came out of the bullet? Have villains come up with this??
That guy might have answers.
I ran towards where Eijiro ran and tried catching up to him but I didn't know where they went.

'I have to go to a high building.'

I jumped and propelled myself onto of a roof. I started running fast jumping building to building.

Tailing Eijiro, "Shooting someone, then only you getting and running... is fucking unmanly." Eijiro yelled.
(Can you believe our dear kiri said that in the manga🤧)
They reached a dead end, "It's a dead end, give it up!"

"SO DAMN ANNOYING!" The criminal punched Eijiro in the face but Eijiro was hardened and punched back.

The gun shooter laid on the floor and he started crying. I was sitting at a building rooftop, just judging from above.

No need to help, He got this. I'll just listen in on information. If he truly needs help then i will help.

The criminal stood up ranting about his weak quirk and that his friends would give him power. He pulled out a syringe and injected himself with something. Now, i was cautious.

"Hey! What did u do? What was that? Are you oka-." Eijiro couldn't finish due to the man popping out large sharp blades around his body.

'Im definitely not going there. I would get killed.'

Eijiro was supposed to get stabbed like a hundred times but he was hardened so it did no good. I didn't know what to do. Do i stay and help? Or go and get help?

The man was uncontrollable. Eijiro instructed the civilians to back away. I guess thats how i can help.

I jumped down making sure to have a good landing and right when i landed the asswipe of a villain powered up even more. Stabbing Eijiro. But he was okay. One of the blades scraped my boot. Thank goodness i chose these high ass boots.

"I'll keep the civilians away." I say.

"Okay." He replied paying attention to the villain.

"Everyone! Back up!" I instructed while making hand gestures.
The bystanders didn't move though.
I groaned, "MOVE IT PEOPLE! OR ELSE!" My whole right arm caught on red fire.
The people there got really scared and ran away.
I turned around and immediately got stuck by a single blade on my left arm. It hurt like hell. I looked at it and it went right through my flesh.

"GHAA! THE FUCK!" I screamed in pain.

"Akuma are you okay!" Eijiro yelled as he hardened his body.

I have never seen him in such state. His body was like a moving rock. This was him pushing himself up, his power up.

"Y-Yeah! Do-fuuuck! Don't w-worry about me!"
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I can't take it out or else I'll bleed everywhere.
I took shaky breaths. Once again, with my right hand i touched the blade slightly. Blood dripped down my bicep.
'Come on, this isn't the worse pain you have ever felt. Stop being a pussy.'

When i least expected, more blades came my way piercing through my whole body.
I didn't even scream of how much that fucking hurt. Blood was pouring out of my wounds this time.
I sat on the ground...well more like fell on the ground. My vision was getting black. I was laying on a pool of blood. It felt warm yet so cold. I saw Eijiro punching the shit out of that scum bag. My eyelids felt heavy and suddenly closed.

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