Trip down memory lane

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"I wonder who taught him that lesson?" Rin questioned quietly. "It takes a lot to get through to Kakashi."

"That's the understatement of the year," Ebisu inputted.

Everyone laughed at this and watched as the scene changed.

The scene started with Kakashi sitting in a tree. "Alright. Confirm positions."

"Sasuke at point A."

"Sakura at point B."

"... Naruto at point C believe it!"

"Your a bit slow Naruto," Kakashi chided. "Now on my mark... 3...2...1... GO!"

The three Genin lunged for the cat and Naruto was the one to catch the demon. "I got her I got her- ow ow ow!" He yelled as the cat began to scratch at his face like there was no tomorrow.

"Confirm target, is there a red bow on the right ear?" Kakashi asked.

"Confirmed, we have caught Tora the cat," Sakura chirped.

The Genin in the room shivered. 

"So they're still doing that mission, eh?" Obito cringed.

"That cat is extremely unyouthful," Guy agreed.

Rin shivered. "That's no cat... it's a demon."

The Jonin sweat dropped. 'Is it really that bad?' They all thought.

"Great job team 7," Sarutobi praised.

"Hey look, the old geeser is still kicking," Obito laughed.

The old Hokage shuffled his papers around. "Now for your next mission... there's painting a fence, babysitting, planting potatoes, and-"

"NO!" Naruto yelled making an X with his arms. "These are all chores old man! I want a real mission!"

"Naruto Uzumaki!" Iruka yelleld. "That's no way to treat your Hokage!"

"Uzumaki?" Minato questioned. "I thought Kushina was the last one."

'Probably did it with Kushina.' Shikaku thought. 'But why is he called Uzumaki and not Namikaze?'

"Settle down Iruka," Sarutobi said. "Now Naruto, we give you these missions for a reason..." 

Kakashi stopped listening and began to listen to Naruto's speech on ramen. "And then I had to wait 10 whole minutes for the ramen to get done!"

Sarutobi sweat dropped at the sight of all of Team 7 listening to Naruto's speech. "Well if Kakashi deems you ready, I'll alow you a C rank."

"I believe they're ready," Kakashi said with an eye smile.

"I'm still wondering why he has one eye covered," Obito mumbled.

"Me as well," Minato inputted. "I wonder if something happened..."

"No time to dwell on it," Shikaku mumbled. "You about done Inoichi?"

"Actually yes," he said. "I'll take you back now!"

"Noooo," Obito wined. "I wanted to see what happened."

"Too late," Asuma laughed.

The scene changed and you could see Rin, Kakashi, and Obito running threw the woods with their sensei.

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