I completely forgot to question him about the whole 'girl every night' thing. I pull out the ticket and the drawing he gave me. Will this picture happen when I go with him? I'll only be there for one full day. What's there to do in Georgia for one day?What am I saying?
He'll be with his family that one day so I most likely will be alone.
"Joslyn!" Brooklyn yells as she swings open my door.
"Ma– er.. a boy called me and asked me out on a date!"
"Is it by any chance Mason?" I ask.
"That obvious?"
"I mean, you did start to say his name. That's great Brooke."
"Really, you're not mad or anything? I always thought he was kinda into you."
"Me over you? Never. Where's he taking you and when?"
"Friday night at some fancy Italian place. You've got to help me pick what to wear and help with my hair and–""I'm leaving Friday, remember? But we could go shopping on Thursday, I could use some clothes for the trip."
"It's a deal." she leaves my room and closes the door. I smile at the roof. Something tells me he'll treat her right from now on. He's not a bad person at all, just young and dumb sometimes just like Brooklyn. She has him and Ava has Jace. And me? I'm still confused about that. I have Tris's number, why don't I just ask him? I take out my phone and open up text messages.J: Can I ask you something?
I press send before I can delete it.
T: Ask
That was fast. Before I could respond he sends another text.
T: Is this about the 'fucking girls every night' ?
J: Is it true?
T: What would u do if it was ?What would I do if it was? Would anything change? I think about this and come up with nothing.
J: Nothing I guess
J: but like I said earlier
J: there are other ways Tris. You don't have to sleep around like that
J: If it's true, that isT: Do u think it's true?
J: Not really, is it?He takes a few moments to respond this time.
T: Yes
J: oh
T: Still willing to go to Georgia with me ?
J: ofc
J: even if u do sleep w/ a diff girl every night ur still the same Tris I said yes to earlier
J: does that even make sense? lolAfter about 3 minutes he replies.
T: yes, gn
J: One last question
T: What
J: nvm, gnHe doesn't respond after that. I couldn't ask him what are we after hearing something like that. A new girl every night. What if he's with one right now? Damn you Tristan. You've got me thinking of you while you're with another girl.
Beyond Trust
Romance"You know nothing about me, absolutely nothing! Who are you to tell me what's best for me Joslyn?!" he yells. "So all the girls you sleep with, you think that's healthy? I'm looking out for you, I can see right past this bullshit facade!" "Th...