Luke Romantic Imagine (Wherever You Are)

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dedicated to: alleyladona_malik



I'm so excited yet jittery. Do you want to know why I am excited and jittery?

You don't?

Well I'm telling you anyways.

My best friend since year 1, Luke Hemmings, is finally going to visit me after a year long tour with One Direction. I mean, yes he's had some breaks to visit back home but everytime he would go back home, he would just hang out with his family and I would never want to interrupt his family bonding time.

I remember the first time I met Luke in year 1, he was about to stick up a crayon up his nose but I told him that he shouldn't do that and we got into a huge argument on what was right and what was wrong but in the end we became really good mates and started hanging out everyday.

Alot of people always ask me "Do you like Luke Hemmings more because he's famous?" yet I never answer that question because my love for Luke will never change.

'Love' is a very strong word but I'm very certain that I'm in love with Luke Hemmings.

I figured out that I was in love with Luke Hemmings during year 8 when some jockass (Yes, I said jockass because he was a jock and a jackass combined.) tried to force himself onto me and Luke kicked his ass. I know, typical cliche moment but I'm too scared to admit my love for him. This could ruin our whole friendship if I tell him three simple words and actually mean it more than a friend.

- <-- name it something idk

I comb my light brown hair and pull it into a fishtail braid. Afterwards, I put on some light mascara and got my clothes ready. I slipped on a black shirt and white high waisted shirts. To finish my oufit off, I slipped on a pair of white gladiators and my bag and headed off to Luke's house.

Luke only lived like ten houses away from me so I had no problem with walking over to his house.

I knocked on Luke's door to see a girl about our age answer it. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm a girl and I thought she was fit myself.

Was she Luke's girlfriend or something? Why hasn't Luke told me about her?

"Hi, you must be Alley! I'm Aleisha! I'm actually on my way out so I'll call Luke our for you! LUKE, ALLEY IS HERE! Okay, I'll see you again, I hope! Bye Alley!" Aleisha was very friendly and left but why hadn't Luke told me about her?

"Alley!" Luke screamed from the top of the stairs and ran down in a fast pace. Before I got to reply anything else, Luke hugged me and picked me up and went on a circular motion. When he was done picking me up and hugging me, he put me down with a big smile plastered on his face.

"Luke, I missed you so much!" I exclaimed while hugging him again. He broke our hug and still had the same huge cute smile on his face that made me smile even more. Damn it, why did he have to be so cute?

"I missed you so much more Alley! Come on. let's go to my room! I have to show you something." Before asking what he wanted to show me, he grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his hand and we ran off to his room.

When we got to Luke's room, his room looked exactly the same from when I went and last saw it. Blue walls with his favorite band posters on it, a messy bed, his desk, his guitar holder, etc. Every time I see Luke's bed messy, I tend to fix it up myself before I go on it. Call me an 'OCD Freak' but I need to have to organized.

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