Doctor's Orders (Female reader)

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A sickly scent invaded the air as you laid sprawled out on your bed. A thermometer, almost completely red, was placed in your mouth. Julian, humming softly in the kitchen, came to check on your temperature with a hot bowl of soup.
"Ok girly, let's check that temperature of yours," he purred as he set the liquid on your nightstand.
He removed his leather glove, placing his hand on your forehead gently as he inspected the thermometer.
"I'm fine," you croaked.
"I beg to differ, doll," Julian kissed your forehead, running his pale fingers through your hair.
"A hundred degree fever isn't exactly healthy," he added with a concerned furrow of his brows.
"I'm just naturally hot," you insisted with a weak grin, before coughing violently.
Julian rubbed your back, shaking his head.
"Here, have some soup," he grabbed a spoonful and blew on it gently.
You stubbornly declined his gesture, "I can-," another coughing fit interrupted you, "-feed myself!"
"You can barely hold your own head up, Y/N. Let me help you," he insisted in a sweet voice.
You, having melted underneath the care of your beloved, allowed him to take control of the situation.
Julian gently brought the spoon to your lips, humming softly as he fed you. The soup's warmth flooded your body, easing the pain in your throat and chest. Once finished, Julian set the empty bowl down, bringing both of his ungloved hands to your face. He brushed your hair behind your ear, placing two kisses on each of your cheeks, and one on your forehead.
Your face burned as you looked into his pale grey eye.
"Even with snot running from your nose you look absolutely stunning," he admired humorously.
Embarrassed, you quickly grabbed a tissue to blow your nose, earning a chuckle from Julian.
He laid down next to you, pulling the comforter over you both as he wrapped his arms around you.
You bashfully turned to face him, "aren't  you worried you'll get sick?"
"Not at all. Besides, I have to cuddle with you, it's doctors orders," Julian answered with a cocked brow and a large grin.
You snorted, gazing lovingly at him. You rested your head underneath his chin, snuggling closer into his embrace as you let out a long yawn.
"Nighty night, sleepyhead," he purred into your  ear, kissing your forehead once more.
"Goodnight, doctor."

Julian Devorak x Reader- Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now