Red Haired and Red Faced

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You've never seen this part of town before. The shops were worn and had shady owners with  questionable business practices. You were a weary traveler, just looking for a descent place to get a drink from. As the night sky slowly crept in, your appetite did too. Luckily, you stumbled upon the Rowdy Raven. It's name surely fit, with loud conversations, arguments, and music bursting out  from within its doors. You walked in, removing your cloak.
As you neared the counter,  you noticed a man with potent red hair eyeing you. Your face became airbrushed in red hues as he continued to gawk at you.
You narrowed your eyes, "may I help you, good sir?"
The man cleared his throat as he brushed back his auburn hair, his dashing smile gleaming in the dimly lit tavern.
"Why, yes," he spoke in a deep, sultry voice. "I was wondering how one person could be so beautiful?"
Your pupils shrunk and your chest pounded, was he serious?
"I-I..." you searched for something to say, completely flustered.
The man let out a throaty laugh, sniggering as he pulled out a chair for you.
"Please, have a seat, my lovely," he wiped a tear from his eye.
You hesitantly sat down. After pushing in your chair, the redhead sat down with a beaming expression. 
"My name is Julian, and who might you be?"
"Y/n," you replied in a quite voice. "Do you flirt with strangers often?"
"Only if there as gorgeous as you. So no, not often," he winked... or blinked. Not that you could tell what with the eyepatch and all.
Flabbergasted, you shook your head.
"Call me Julian, angel,"
"...J-Julian," you huffed, "I'm new here, and since your the only person I know so far I was wondering if you could-"
"Say no more," he proclaimed suavely. "Of course I would love to show you around," Julian planted his chin in his palm, taking a swig from his drink.
"Oh, well... thank you," you smiled shyly.
"On one condition," Julian interjected.
You rose your eyebrow in suspicion, "what's the condition?"
"You let me take you out on a date."
Once again you were a flustered mess, how could one person be so flirtatious?
"I-I'll accept that condition," you managed to answer him.
Amused and elated by this, Julian grinned.
"Great, so how about we get you a drink and some food, you look positively famished," he stood up, trailing his hand across your back as he walked past you to fetch your meal.
Once he was gone you buried your face into your hands and let out a sigh. You took deep breaths, trying to stop the redness radiating from your face. You removed some of your layers, setting them on the back of your seat as you glanced at Julian. He was a winding past the other patrons, squeezing past tables and crowds before setting a tray in front of you.
"Thank you," you flashed him a smile, before guzzling down the fruity beverage.
Julian sat down, frowning slightly.
"You poor thing, your dry as a bone," he commented with sympathy.
Having finished your drink already, you sat the cup down and wiped your mouth.
"It's not a big deal, I'm fine," you insisted.
He nodded, leaning back in his chair with his arms splayed back.
Julian then glanced back at you, "so, do you have a place to spend the night?"
"No," you answered, tilting your head curiously as you are your food eagerly.
"Well I guess you'll have to spend the night with me."
You almost choked.
Julian cocked his brow, "would you rather sleep on the streets?"
"Well, no."
"Then you can come stay with me at a friends house," he persisted.
You succumbed, nodding bashfully as you finished off your dinner.
"Thank you, Julian," you spoke sincerely. "You're really nice to me, even though we've just met," you continued.
Julian's face warmed, and he smiled softly.
"You're very much welcome, Y/N."
You both shared a meaningful look, not realizing how close you were.
Julian grabbed your hand, holding it in both of his.
"I don't know what it is about you, you're just so intoxicating," he mused, resting his forehead against yours.
You're mouth went dry, and your head spun.
"What's your secret, how are you so enchanting?" Julian purred, intertwining his fingers with yours.
"I-," you didn't know what to say.
His expression dropped to a solemn frown.
"Do you know who I am?"
His voice was soft and melancholy.
"Yes, you're Julian," you answered in confusion, before realizing what he meant.
"Well, I know your the doctor who is said to of..." you trailed off, avoiding eye contact with him.
"Of killing King Lucio," Julian finished, taking about hearty chug of his drink. "And despite this you want me to help you," he began with confusion, "why?"
"Because I'm not from here, that's not my king. Besides, he's known as a tyrant back home, which means he probably deserved it," you squeezed Julian's hand.
He began to chuckle gravely, shaking his head lightly.
"Very well then," he spoke in a more cheerful tone, "I'll be your guide."
You, losing your composure, giddily swung your arms around his broad shoulders and pulled him into a hug.
"Thank you, for your hospitality," you said sincerely.
Julian's eye widened and his mouth was agape as he returned the affection. His face was aflame as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.
Realizing what you had done, you released him and slunk back into your chair. Your head spun as you scolded yourself internally.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-,"
"It's fine," his expression grew more blissful as he began to snicker, "I never thought of you as the touchy feely kind, dear Y/N."
Embarrassed, you began to damage control.
"It was-, I didn't-, I hadn't-," you stumbled for something to say.
"No need to explain, you can touch me anytime you like," he hummed.
You pushed him playfully before shoving your face into your palms, shaking your head vigorously as he began to laugh.

The evening continued this way, before he eventually brought you to the house of a small woman named Mazelinka. She was nurturing of you, but often deservingly scolded Julian.
Either way, you felt pleasant. And had an overwhelming feeling that you and Julian were bound somewhere great.

Julian Devorak x Reader- Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now