The Workaholic

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It had been a long day, the both of you were exhausted. Julian, of course, was still slaving away with his quill in hand. It was just getting dark outside, and you were dying to pry him from his work. His brows were furrowed with concentration, forming lines on his skin as he squinted at his documents. He scrawled words in a way only he could understand, his handwriting was terrible. Desperate for some attention, you leaned over his shoulder. He hadn't even noticed you were there until you began to speak.

"Devorak, what did I tell you about working so late?"

He jumped slightly, nearly dropping his pen. He looked up at you, smiling sheepishly.

"I know, I know," Julian's shoulders fell as he sighed, "just one more sentence, and I'll stop."

You didn't buy that. You refused to compromise, you'd be getting him out of that chair if it was the last thing you did. You wrapped your arms around his neck, placing your chin on the top of his head. Though you couldn't see his face, you could tell he had already begun blushing.

"My love, I need you," you insisted, playing with the buttons of his overcoat.

"I— Just let me finish up, dear," his voice was quivering.

"I can't wait any longer!"

"You'll have to, dear."

You frowned, leaning further over the stubborn doctor's shoulder. Your face was smooshed against the side of his rigid cheekbone. You could feel how warm he was getting, though, you hadn't even truly started yet.

"My love," you were speaking directly into his ear now, "just be good and give me some attention."

"Be good? Don't pull that card on me!"

By the way he was reacting, apparently, the "card" had worked. His hand was fidgeting with the quill, he had stopped writing. But he remained seated, clearly, you needed to push further.

"You're being quite bad! Perhaps a flanking is in order—"

"—FLANK—flanking? Surely... surely not!"

"But, just the other night you—"

"—let's not bring that up right now, Y/N! I have very important work to be attending to," Julian huffed, before turning back to his parchment.

You were getting frustrated, he usually gave up by now.


He didn't budge, scribbling away with his pen.


Julian sighed, paused for a moment, then continued to write.


He flinched, turning to you. He glared with his one eye, throwing down his pen.

"What, Y/N?"

"Please, I'm lonely!"

"This is terribly important! Just let me finish up and then I'll give you my undivided attention," he reasoned as he picked up his pen.

"You always say that! And then you fall asleep at your desk," you were pouting now.

"Not true!"

"Yes, true! You do it all the time!"

"Well, I won't this time," he shrugged.

"You're such a liar. Who will be sweet to me now?"

"You have a right hand," Julian snickered, clearly not realizing you weren't in the mood for jokes.

"Oh? Then what do I have you around for?"

Julian gulped, bringing his hands up defensively.

"I'm only joking! Just relax, dear. Maybe make some tea," he backpedaled, already beginning to write again.

"Tea. Do you think tea will satisfy my need for human contact? You think tea will hold me and kiss me like you do?"

"I will do all of that... in five minutes!"



"That flanking is still a possibility!"

Julian groaned out, covering his face as his elbows hit the desk. You could see his ears turn bright red. He wanted to grab you and give in to all your desires, but he was chained to his work. He felt as if he'd die if he didn't finish all of his documents. You hated how addicted he was to work, it wasn't healthy. Lifting his head, he smoothed his hair back and exhaled.

"Can it wait?"

"No, it's quite time-sensitive actually."

"Oh-ho, you think you're cheeky, don't you?"

"I would say I'm more impish than cheeky, but either way you love it," you hummed, drumming your fingers on his side.

Julian went to retort, but was interrupted by the sensation on his sides. He was very ticklish, and you knew that.

"Stop that!"


"You know why!"

"Do you?"

"Of course I know why! What kind of... —I'm not playing this game!"

"I wish you would play, it's so much more fun than your silly little writings."

"These aren't silly! I'm a doctor, Y/N, I have important matters to attend to!"

"Am I not an important matter to attend to?"

"You— stop twisting my words! You know I'll get to you in a minute. If you hadn't been pestering me we'd already been laying down for bed!"

You didn't believe that for a moment, and he knew it.  You tapped your fingers on his sides again, before he swiftly snatched your hands.

"I'm being serious!"

"But you're smiling," you addressed innocently.

"Because you're tickling me!"

"Oh, whatever, don't be such a baby!"

"I'm the baby? You're acting extremely childish right now!"

"I heard Lucio's ghost could use some company, perhaps I should perform a seance to finally get some affection," you chimed, moving away from him slowly.

Julian quickly spun around, holding you firmly by the waist. He pulled you into his lap, burying his nose into your hair. Oh, he was so jealous. Your plan had worked quite well.

"Don't you dare," his words didn't come out as a threat, but more as a plead.

"Oh? Now you want to hold me?"

He was quiet, hiding his red face. You turned around in his lap, your hands resting on either side of his arms. He met your gaze, his face lost its color slowly. Julian's grin resurfaced as he stood up, taking you in his arms.

"I'm sorry, angel," he cooed, "I won't let you out of my arms for the rest of the night."

"And morning?"

"Ah, how could I forget, morning as well."

"Then I forgive you," you grinned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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