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Kyra POV

Today is like anyother day get abused by my drunk father, get bullied at school, go cut in the bathroom,either pass out from blood loss or just go to sleep in my bed. But let me introduce my self i'm Kyra i'm 13,I have short black hair, bangs that cover my left eye and I am known for being an outcast, and I live in Boise,Idaho. I will sit in the back of the class just listening to music or staring out the window. I also am the kid that is really creepy because I have pale skin, wear a black hoodie and since it is summer black shorts with black and white sneakers. I have one friend her name is Kiarah she is the only one who understands me. She has a boyfriend named Max who is ok I mean i only talked to him once. Kiarah is annoying preppy girl who is kinda like a girly girl but she still gets me, she also is head chearleader of the team. Kiarah has medium black hair, tan skin, and earings. We both are different but we are still best friends.Marcus is also the captain of the football team. We both go to to centennial middleschool and we both have the same schedules but i have art and she has choir,

fist period:math

second period:history

third period:art


fourth period:greek

fith period:gym

sixth period:writing

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