Dont say anything

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I shivered as I made my way to the coffee shop. The October wind had brought a chill to the air that made it hard to stay warm. Halloween decorations were everywhere and it was hard even after all these years to smile around this time of year.

I bought my usually caramel latte and made my way to work. I had to plan Halloween activities and a set up for the Halloween party at the end of the week. Halloween was on Saturday so the community center was hosting a party on Friday for all the kids.

"Hey Samantha the back room is all cleared out so you can put all the decorations in there and then the bakery on Hills street is going to be donating cookies and a cake for the party as well." My boss said when I walked in.

He has been really helping me with this party, I was barely holding myself together as the party was in four days and Halloween was in five. I was overwhelmed and grief had already started to take over.

I spent the morning setting up tables and making sure that we had enough chairs for the event. I was going to do the whole set up with the decorations on Thursday but I want to get organized so I could spent the next couple days getting the decorations and other supplies I needed.

After a long day at work I was relieved to go home. I just wanted to be alone and just watch some movies and stuff my face with food.

When I got back to my apartment my phone went off. It was Laney.

"Hey Laney," I answered.

"Hey I was wondering if you were busy tonight," she said happily.

"I don't have any plans why?"

"Do you want to come over for dinner?" She asked.

"Sure," I said.

I really didn't want to but Laney was my friend and I knew of she was inviting me over she had a reason.

"Ok perfect, does 6 work for you?"

I look at the clock and see that it is 5:15. I sighed.

"Yeah ok I might be a little late I just got home from work." I explained.

"Ok see you then." And with that she hung up.

I jumped in the shower and got myself all cleaned up and in some fresh clothes before hopping in my car and heading over to Laney and Ethan's place.

They had a large apartment about ten minutes from my place. It was nice having them around.

I knocked on the door and Ethan quickly swung it open.

"Hey Sam," he smiled stepping aside to let me in.

"Hey Ethan, thanks for inviting me over," I greeted and walked into their place.

Laney was in the kitchen getting the food ready. She sent a quick greeting my way before continuing what she was doing.

"It should be ready any minute," Ethan said making his way to the table.

The table was already set. I sat down in the seat across from Ethan and waited for Laney to finish.

Once Laney was finished, she set down the plates of food in front of us. She had made grilled chicken with roasted potatoes and cooked vegetables.

"This food is really good Laney," I smiled.

"Thanks Ethan did most of it," she looked at Ethan with those eyes and my heart hurt.

Seeing them together and happy it brought back memories of me and Wes but I had to shake the thoughts away. I couldn't be with Wes again, we didn't work out once and I knew that it would be the same this time around.

"How's your store?" I asked Laney.

After she graduated she has been working to open a clothing boutique and a couple months ago all her work payed off and it had its grand opening.

"It's been hard to juggle that with the wedding planning but Ethan and Wes have been helping me out a lot."

"With the wedding planning?" I questioned.

"No with the shop, Wes has been helping with the business side of things and Ethan has been working in the store when I can't."

"If you ever need me I can help out," I offered.

"You have enough going on at the moment," she waved me off.

I nodded.

I did have a lot going on, Halloween was coming up and I had so much to do at the community center with the party in a couple days.

"How are you doing?" Ethan asked me.

I gave him a strange look. I didn't know where this was going.

"Fine," I shrugged.

"Are you sure I know this is a rough time for you," He pushed.

"I go through this anniversary every year, thanks for checking in on me but I'll make it through."

I was pushing them away. I didn't want to really go into the fact that this holiday was killing me. Even though it has been seven years since he died I still had a hard time. I didn't know when this would get better, when would I be ok without my brother?

"Just know we are here if you need us." Laney smiled.

"Yeah anything you need just call us," Ethan assured me.

"Thanks but I like to go through this holiday alone."

They are both quietly giving each other looks like they want to say something but don't know if they should.

"What?" I said annoyed.

"That's not true you used to spend the holiday with Wes every year until you guys broke up." Laney blurted out.

"Yeah and then I spent three years going through it alone,"

"But you don't have to go through this alone," Ethan explained.

"Maybe I want to," I muttered.

After dinner I went home, I wanted to be alone. Trevor's death was the only thing I could think about. I hated this time of year.

I wanted to be by myself but once the silence kicked in my thoughts wouldn't stop. All the memories of me and my brother overwhelmed me. I couldn't take it any more and I called the one person I knew that could help me.

I swung the door open to see him with a look of concern on his face.

"Don't say anything," I cut him off.

He just nodded.

I leaned up and kissed Wes and he quickly responded. I couldn't stop myself.


So the timeline is weird because she's going through October and I'm posting and writing it in the summer but I'm dreaming of cooler weather as I am currently dying from the heat. I hope you all are enjoying this story and are excited to see where this goes next!!

If any of you have questions or anything like that feel free to message me or email me at

In the next chapter, it's Halloween!

Until then, comment and vote!

~Cora Leigh

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