What Did I Say?

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    “Ghost,” a voice in the darkness whispered to me. I could not see it but I could hear it very clearly, like if it was extremely close to me.

    “Ghost,” it said once more. “Ghost wake up.”

    That last one made me sounded like a familiar voice. “Wake up,” it was followed by a gently pushing. 

 Where did I remember that voice from?


   My eyes opened and reacted to Ricky’s face close to mine.

“Wake up Ghost,” he said with a smile.

    I looked all around, trying to put together the pieces of what happened last night. Okay, I was laying on this couch and that was all I could remember from last night.

“How did I get here?” I asked Ricky.

   “Last night we both fell asleep on the couch. I woke up an hour later and you were sleeping looking so peacefully so I didn’t want to wake you up so I let you sleep on the couch and I went back to my room. I thought you would rather have the couch to yourself and to share it with me.”

Oh Ricky, you don’t know how wrong you are…

“Oh thanks,” I said, setting up with an aching back.

“Are you okay? It seemed like you’re in pain,” he worried.

“No, my back is just hurting me for some reason,” I assured him.

“Do you want me to get you some pain killers?”

“Nah, I’m okay,” I said.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes Ricky, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me,” I told him.

“Okay, oh Chris called me telling me that we’re getting the day off today, so what do you want to do?”

I would like to make out with you but I guess that wouldn’t be the right answer to that question.

“I don’t know. You know you can go do whatever you need to do. You don’t have to invite me out everywhere you go.”

Ricky let out a cheeky smile before he sat down on the couch.

“I know I don’t, I’m just kind of worried about you,” he said with a pain look lurking in his beautiful and gorgeous eyes.


   “You just seem like something’s bothering you. Chris sees it too. And last night, you said something that only assured my worries.”

What did I say?

    His eyes were staring at mines, showing that he was worried. Scared even. Now I was worried too, what did I say?

   “I was kind of asleep when you said it so I don’t know if you actually did say it or if I was just dreaming it.”

Ricky, just spit it out!

“You said ‘if only you knew’. Ghost, please be honest with me, what did you mean by it?”

I wanted to tell him. Just like my guts pour out in front of him to get it over with.

It’s been eating me alive. I just couldn’t hold it in anymore, it was killing me.


Authors Note: Cliffhanger. Sorry (not sorry)

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